Day 242
Energy is the source of all life. It flows in and around us. According to many Asian traditional medicines, good health, both mental and physical, is achieved when this energy freely flows through the body.

Our vital energy, or "chi" as Chinese people call it, is thought to flow along meridians, which are invisible pathways through the body. Any blockage in the flow could create imbalance and lead to illness.
There are many reasons why energy blockages appear in the body. Amongst which a poor diet, stress, and how the individual perceives and reacts emotionally to life's hurdles. Your body needs to be relaxed for energy to flow. Tension is said to stop the flow.
When we are worried and stressed, we send a message of fear and insecurity to our body . The natural reaction of the body is to protect itself. How? By tensing the muscles that are related to self protection, for example, the back and shoulder muscles.
The first thing to do in order to restore the energy flow, is to release those tensions. Relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, exercise and getting a massage can all be quite efficient in that regard.
You also need to get proper sleep, develop good eating habits, drink a lot of water and reduce your sugar intake (especially in the form of candy and artificial sweeteners).
However, if the flow of energy has been blocked for a longer time and physical ailments start appearing, there are several techniques you can resort to in order to rectify the situation, amongst which Acupuncture, Acupressure, Emotional Freedom Technique, Qigong, Reiki, etc.
These energy healing methods are becoming popular as complementary therapies. Obviously, you first need to believe they can help you.
My father has been a fan of Acupuncture for many years. He has successfully used it many times to treat seasonal allergies. My friend Catherine, who suffers from cat and dust allergies, has just completed a treatment in acupuncture as well. She recently came over to my house (we have a cat) and, contrarily to all the previous times she had come, her nose and eyes didn't itch at all. I've heard of people being cured of migraines, menstrual cramps, insomnia, etc. with acupuncture.
I have had treatments in Acupressure... and I was quite impressed. At the end of the treatment, I don't know what the therapist did, but I started crying uncontrollably! I wasn't thinking of anything sad! But I couldn't stop the tears from falling! It felt very strange to me, but he told me it happened quite often, that it was probably because I had the tendency to bottle up emotions.
There are many ways to get energy flowing through your body in order to maximize you mental and physical health. It is just a matter of believing these techniques work. And I understand why some people would be skeptical about them. Their efficiency hasn't extensively been proven scientifically.
However, they have been around for thousands of years. So, if they didn't work, wouldn't these practise have disappeared by now?
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