Like many people, summer is my favorite time of year. It probably has to do with the fact that I need a lot of freedom and winter is restrictive in many ways. In winter, when you go out, you need to put on layers of clothes which restrain your movements. You can't enjoy your morning coffee and meals outdoor.... But what I enjoy the most about summer, since I'm completely off work, is not having a tight schedule, trying to fit in work, chores, kids homework and activities, etc, in one short day.
However, I must admit, I probably don't enjoy summer as much as I should.
Yesterday, I was talking with my brother's neighbor who is also a teacher. She was complaining about the fact that we only have three weeks left of vacation. I had obviously been thinking about the same thing, feeling very guilty about my spoiled attitude: most people only get two weeks off in the summer. As teachers, we are so privileged...
It made me think about human nature. It seems like no matter what we have, we always want more. I have nine weeks of vacation each summer. Comparatively speaking, it's amazing!!!!! I get to spend time with my kids doing activities, going on vacation,etc., all summer long. However, somehow, I'm already apprehensively looking at time go by, slightly complaining about the fact that I'm going back to a scheduled routine.

I certainly make a point of being thankful for what I have. But although theoretically I can name all the things I am grateful for, I find it very challenging to always FEEL how privileged I am.
I guess we all have a baseline of expectations, depending on our current situation and, although it is possible to intellectually conceptualize what it's like not to have what we have, it is very hard to internalize something you haven't experienced. I have never had only two weeks off in the summer!
This being said, I am still very happy about the summer I am having. And I know I am fortunate to be able to spend so much time with my family. It leaves me little time to write, but happiness is also about living life not only writing about it!