As I was having a conversation with the husband in the couple, he said something that I thought was very simple but valuable for anyone looking to improve their life. He said that at the end of each day, he looks back and evaluates if during the course of the day he was the best that he could be.
If happiness is about accumulating positive experiences and making the right choices, then insuring that you are the best that you could be on a daily basis could only lead to an increase in your overall well being.
This doesn't mean beating yourself up at the end of the day for not keeping up with your idea of a perfect day. It only means taking the time to evaluate the good and bad choices that you've made and, at the same time, keeping track of the things you want to do to improve your daily life and your level of happiness.
The best you can be obviously depends on your individual values and circumstances as well as the goals you have set for yourself. In my case, it means, eating healthy, exercising, living in the present, being creative in some way, being kind, thoughtful and patient with my children, my husband, my family and my friends, having the feeling that I have accomplished something, giving to others, meditating, etc.
There are so many aspects of our circumstances that we have no control over, it only makes sense that with the aspects of our lives we do have control over, we maximize our chances of being happy by relentlessly making the right choices on a daily basis.
"Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you."
Og Mandino