First of all, I would like to wish all of my readers a happy new year, filled with new challenges, love, health and whatever else makes you happy!
I love this time of year because it allows me to put things behind and start over. I feel a sense of renewal as though the future holds an immensity of possibilities, of opportunities...
On my first day back at work, I asked my students if they had made resolutions for 2013. Well, many of them told me that they have had become cynical about resolutions. Many don't make any because they don't feel they could actually stick to them. And they are not wrong... statistics show that most people give up on their resolutions before the end of January ...yayks!!!!

And it made me wonder about human nature. In theory, we all know what's good for us.... exercising, not smoking, eating healthy, being zen, meditating... so why don't we just do all of those things. Why is it that implementing a change in your life, such as exercising for instance, requires such an effort? Shouldn't it be simple... you just go to the gym or use your home exerciser and do it! I think it has to do with the element of pleasure. Immediate pleasure versus long term well-being! Human beings are conditioned to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Hedonism is what drives us to do those things. Exercising is not that pleasurable... But, no pain, no gain.
So, the solution, if you want to implement any big change in your life is probably to make it pleasurable, maybe by joining a gym with a friend or registering to a physical activity you enjoy.
I have made plenty of resolutions for 2013 (exercising, eating healthy, investing in my friendships, being creative, etc.). Some I began in 2012, some are brand new, but no matter if I didn't keep all of my resolutions in 2012, I am still starting the year with the belief that I WILL achieve the ones I have made for 2013. And if I don't, well, there's always 2014!