Today, I was listening to a radio show. They were talking about a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto which suggests that early birds are happier and healthier than night owls. The study found that people who preferred the evening were more prone to “social jet lag”, in which a person’s biological clock becomes "out of sync” with social activities. As a result morning people often felt more awake, more alert, happier and more motivated to tackle challenges. They also had a stronger immune system.
They also found that as people age, they tend to wake up earlier and so that older people were happier... In fact, researchers found that most become morning people by age 60; by that time, just 7% of people are still night owls. In contrast, only 7% of young adults are early birds.
It is true that since my crazy 20's - actually they weren't that crazy - I have become more of an early bird, and I am definitely happier. Is it because I wake up earlier, or is it due to the fact that, as you age, you become wiser, you know yourself better and you know what you want - and don't want - out of life?
Happiness is a fascinating topic. Researchers and philosophers have long been trying to find the one ingredient that would lead to happiness. Unfortunately, the variables are too numerous to be able to determine a 'one-recipe' fits all formula. Everone and every life experience is unique. For instance, although meditation is said to greatly improve wellbeing, I know many people who are unable to meditate! It doesn't seem to fit with their personality. It actually has the opposite effect... It makes them nervous!
I guess that, in the end, the only person who can draw down the list of 'happiness- inducing' habits is yourself, whether science says waking up early, meditation or yoga lead to more happiness or not. The real challenge, however, is to keep choosing happiness evey day. It is so easy to get distracted and lose focus. It takes determination and discipline... It often means getting rid of behaviours and habits you have had for years, which is not an easy task. But since we only have one life to live (maybe more, but not with the same name!!!!), isn't worth it to try and make it as happy as we can?