It is Sunday night. We are on our way to my parent’s house. Today, we are celebrating my husband and my twin nieces birthdays. I’m already fluttering with excitement. I know tonight my mother has prepared a traditional Egyptian meal: Molokhia.

Sunday nights have often held that scent at my parent’s house. It is as though I have been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dog, to feel happy whenever I smell the mix of coriander and garlic frying in a pan.
Studies show that olfactory memory can bring you back to early childhood better than any other sense. My memories of childhood are filled with joyful moments. So this smell brings me back to a feeling of comfort and peace. Today, I am smelling my way to happiness.
um.....okay Dina are you going to bring us ALL to happiness and learn to make this dish and have us all over for dinner?! ; ) sounds delicious and amazing!
Hey Dina congrats on your blog it seems like a lot of fun to read. I was with your humble husband last night and he didn't mention that it was his birthday. Therefore I would like to wish him a very Happy belated B'day.Dina if you are going to post this beautiful picture of this dish then you must PLEASE post the recipe as it looks divine.I totally agree about childhood memories and food.Still today when I smell fresh bread it brings me back to my moms kitchen and she would give us a slice of fresh bread and spread either butter or nutella on it. I totally understand. Enjoy your day and keep smiling
Your old friend Bobss (Sergio)
Sergio and Joanne, I have to both invite you over for dinner at my parents house because my mom is the true specialist. I have attempted to make it myself, but I have never managed to get even remotely close to her creation.
omg, what a photo!!!!! it looks amazing, i want to just in the computer and eat it !!!!
and i want the invite as well. thx.
Stef's birthday , what???? whens the party?
annonymous, that's me !
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