Sunday, July 24, 2011


DAY 250

We finally got back from a dream vacation.  I always find it hard to come back, no matter how long I was away for. I realize, however, that I am fortunate to have had the chance to travel in Europe for a whole month. Being a teacher has its advantages.  I always have the summers off.

Nerja, Spain
One of the coastal villages we visited
What I find especially hard is to readapt to responsibilities, schedules, obligations...  When I'm away, I lose track of time.  I can't remember what day it is, I never know what time it is; I truly live in the present moment, which is something so difficult to do in ordinary life.

When I'm away, I get to experience the true meaning of freedom!  Decisions are made and, in the split of a second, they are changed!  I don't hang on to any pre-conceived image of what I want to do...  I go with the flow.  If only I could learn to live life in that way!!!!

On this trip, we visited Brussels, Bruges, many small towns in the South of Spain and we ended our trip in Germany by visiting Mainz, Wiesbaden and Rudesheim.  My kids walked hours with us, never complaining of being hot or tired!  I was so impressed and proud of them...

Did I miss anything?  I don't know if I did... I was not thinking about Montreal and my life here!  I was living in the moment and my only preoccupations were to figure out  where, when and what I was going to eat and where I wanted to spend the day!  I completely disconnected.  Isn't that what vacations are all about?

But I'm back and although it took me a few days to land, I'm now ready  to complete the second half of my project!

In the next few days, I will publish posts that I wrote while I was away.  They are mostly impressions and thoughts written while traveling!

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