Saturday, June 9, 2012


DAY 355

I haven't been writing for four months.  I can't believe how time flies.  At first, I believed I would be able to only write once in a while.  That's because I didn't foresee what was going to happen to me.    

Yes, I was busy packing boxes, buying fixtures, curtains and furniture for the new house, making sure the renovations were progressing as planned, taking care of my children, etc.  Yes, I didn't have much time to write.

But, it's not only the fact that I was physically busy trying to accomplish so much...  It's as though I didn't have any mental space left.  It's as though all my brain space was taken up by the project I was involved in.  I couldn't write the thoughts I was having about my experience because I was immersed in the present moment, swimming as fast as I could in order to try to get to shore on time.

Renovations and moving are said to be amongst the most stressful events in life... I was doing both... and in the middle of the school year on top it.

I often had thoughts about what I was experiencing.  But I couldn't imagine taking the time to write them down.  I had to focus on the task at hand and move forward.  Only now do I feel like I'm ready to analyze what I have experienced in the last few months and share once again my thoughts on happiness.

Am I going to have the same discipline I used to have?  Maybe not.  But I do know I will reach my destination of 500 days, no matter how long it takes me to get there.


Unknown said...

congradulations ....great to have you back .It is not how fast we get to the destination but it's about getting there and enjoying the ride :) I can't believe how many blogs you've written so far ....takes dedication ! Anita xoxox

Unknown said...

Absolutely Anita! And I'm definitely enjoying the ride!!!

Anonymous said...

congradulations .... for the new house enjoy .... I never forget the peace of happiness and the hug as a therappy ... I love your wording. wassila from english school

Unknown said...

Thanks Wassila!