Monday, August 1, 2011


Day 256

It's Monday morning.  I don't have to go to work, because I'm off for the summer, but I know that for millions of people, and for me, most of the year, Monday morning represents the beginning of yet another week of work...  It means the weekend is over!!!!  And many people dread it so much that they start tensing up on Sunday night.

Scientist have now proven what we have all known forever.  On the weekend, people are happier. Professor Richard Ryan, who led the research and published the results in 2010 explains: "Workers, even those with interesting, high status jobs, really are happier on the weekend.  Our findings highlight just how important free time is to an individual's well-being."

Besides the fact that, on the weekend, people tend to take the time to connect with family and friends, which is a great source of happiness, the study found that having less constraints and being less scheduled also provided participants with a greater sense of well-being.

Participants reported having less physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches, digestive problems, respiratory problems, or low energy during the weekend.

Since people work five days out of seven, it is crucial to find ways to bring the weekend into the week days.  The question is, how can that be done?

If connection with others and free time are part of the equation, then, finding opportunities to bond with others, relax and indulge in your interest during the week, could be part of the solution.

I know I find it hard to do, but maybe it's a question of really having the will... and making it happen!!!!

Are you happier on the weekend?  Are you doing anything to bring your weekends into your week days?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes!
I'm happier on the weekend! I allow myself the luxury to not think about all the catching up I need to do. It's like they're FREEBIE DAYS! haha
M. xo