All right, I admit it. I'm obsessed with healthy eating. Especially since I've been writing this blog. I've realized, through the months, how intimately linked health and happiness are. So, more than ever I'm trying to make the best food choices possible.
I was wondering if there was a list somewhere of the 10 best foods to eat, in terms of vitamins, minerals and overall health benefits. I was sure that internet would have the answer for me. When I googled it, I realized that many people have come up with lists. Although some foods were on all the lists, there were some disparities. So, using the knowledge I acquired making my research, I've decided to come up with my own list not of the 10 but of the 20 healthiest foods.

2. Green vegetables - Especially spinach, broccoli, kale, artichokes and cabbage. They are filled with healthy vitamins and minerals and can help prevent many diseases.
3. Legumes - Black beans in particular, but also lentils and chickpeas (avoid canned legumes with a high salt content). They are all good sources of fiber, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins.
4. The allium family (Onions, Garlic, Chives, Leeks, Shallots and Scallions) - But especially raw garlic, which is a powerful natural antibiotic that can boost immunity, protect against bacteria, parasites and viruses as well as help prevent heart disease, stroke and cancer. They give you bad breath, but it can apparently be fixed by chewing on parsley, drinking lemon juice or having green tea.

5. Seeds and nuts - Especially almonds and flaxseed. Seeds and nuts are very healthy and nutritious. In addition to being excellent sources of protein, they have many other benefits such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other chemicals that may prevent cancer and heart disease.
6. Yogourt and kefir (probiotic and unsweetened) - They both contain healthy bacteria that helps boost your immune system, fight infection and improve your gastrointestinal health.
7. Wild Salmon - It is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, memory loss, and Alzheimer's.
8. Sprouts - Sprouts are said to be extremely healthy, but unfortunately there has been many reported incidents of contamination with sprouts... so I'm not sure where I stand on them!!
9. Olive oil (preferably extra-virgin first cold pressed and uncooked)- It contains monounsaturated (good) fats, which have been shown to have some excellent health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease and cancer
10. Sweet potatoes - They are high in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, and studies show they can slow down the aging process and prevent some cancers.

12 Poultry - Especially turkey. It is a valuable source of complete protein and B vitamins. Turkey is leaner, low in calories and high in selenium, which helps strengthen the immune system.
13. Tomatoes - They are high in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that has a ton of health benefits, including helping prevent cancer.
14. Apples - They are extremely high in antioxidants and contain high amounts of vitamin C and fiber.
15. Citrus fruit and kiwis - They contain high levels of vitamin C, help strengthen bones, inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as anti-inflammatory.
16. Whole grains - Especially oatmeal, barley, oats, millet, rye and brown rice. Each of these foods has its own unique and wonderful flavor and texture, plus a broad range of nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, and trace minerals, which are sadly lacking in refined grain products, such as white rice and refined wheat (white bread, white pasta, etc).
17 - Eggs - They are packed with high-quality protein, and are an excellent source of the carotenoids lutein, choline, and xeanthin.
18 - Quinoa- Pale yellow in color, quinoa has more calcium and iron in it than rice, wheat or oats.

20. Water - Water is good for digestion, assimilation and elimination, metabolism and weight control. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Maximizing health, and in consequence, happiness is not that complicated. It's only a matter of including a variety of these foods and avoiding or limiting the intake of what we know as being unhealthy choices: sugar, fried food, refined grains, red meat, etc.
Be healthy! Be happy!
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Thx... Great advice. Thnk fr caring about our health too!!
ohhh..... thank you for this !!!!!!!!!! i love it!
Everyone can benefit from eating better! You're welcome!
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