Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Day 339

Christmas is now 4 days away. On Saturday night, we'll leave out a cookie, a tangerine and a glass of milk for Santa Claus and, on Sunday morning, we will wake up and he will have left presents under the tree.  We've been leaving food for Santa for the past 8 years, playing along, making sure not to spill the beans.  But, I have to admit, I've always felt ambivalent about it.

When my brothers and I were young, my parents did the same.  However, the day my eldest brother found out Santa Claus didn't exist, he got very upset.  He didn't understand why my parents had lied to him.  He felt cheated.

So when my children were born, my husband and I contemplated about not making them believe in Santa Claus... But we finally decided against it.

What I find contradictory about the whole idea of Santa Claus, is that we're trying to teach our kids to be honest sincere and truthful while actively participating in an organized lie!  I feel the same way about the Tooth Fairy. 

At the same time, I believe there is something so wonderful about the magic that surrounds childhood.  When you're a child, you have the ability to dream the impossible.  You're not caught up in any type of realistic limitation.  Your imagination can make you colour the sky in green and the sea in pink... As adults, we lose that ability to go beyond what is real...maybe we'd be happier if we didn't.

When my oldest daughter, who is now 10 years old, asked me if Santa really existed, I simply replied that I believed in his spirit and in the magic of Christmas and so, that in fact, it didn't really matter if he existed or not... All right, so I admit it, it's a little cheesy... but at least she didn't feel like the whole thing was this giant lie made up to fool children.  

I don't know what the right thing to do is.  All I do know is that the excitement and wonder in my youngest daughter's eyes as Christmas approaches is priceless.  Last week, she wrote a letter to Santa.  And when, on Monday afternoon, she received his reply by mail, she was jumping for joy.  Also, as I was writing these lines, I overheard her read the letter to my parents on the phone.  So maybe, in the end, the happiness felt while the magic lasts surpasses the disappointment when finding out the truth.  And in that case, wouldn't it all be worth it?

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