Monday, October 17, 2011


Day 302

Last Saturday, I received an e-mail from a Dutch friend.  He wrote me that he was on his way to the "Occupy" demonstration in Amsterdam.   All through the weekend, there were demonstrations worldwide, in Japan, Spain, Greece, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, etc.  Last night, hundreds of people camped outside the Stock Exchange right here in Montreal.  I guess after the Arab Spring comes the Western Autumn.

In general, I always feel like I can see both sides of the coin.  However, I must admit that, in some cases, such as this one, I just can't.  I don't understand how people who proclaim their Christian Devotion, which is the case of many anti-protest Americans, would disagree with the fact that having people die of starvation and live in poverty while others swim in billions of dollars, is simply unacceptable in our modern society.  Anyway, isn't greed one of the seven deadly sins???

As I was watching CNN last weekend, I couldn't believe how ridiculous some of the comments were.  Many of the anti-protesters see the Occupy Wall Street Movement as a Communist movement, as an anti-American, anti-freedom, and anti-church movement.  Within the movement, you could probably find some people who belong to these groups.  However, it is far from being the majority.  Wanting a society where everyone can have a decent standard of living, have access to education and healthcare and have a job is not being a communist, or anti-church.  It is valuing the life and wellbeing of every  human being!

I think it is about time the Western World, which is supposedly so civilized, starts taking real action to help the less fortunate.   

Anyway, I don't know what astrologers are saying about the alignment of planets this year, but politically speaking, many countries have gone to the streets to try to implement changes.  And it is happening simultaneously in different parts of the world.  It's as though people have understood that to better their lives and be happier, they can't count on governments anymore, they need to go to the streets and make it happen themselves!

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