Friday, August 30, 2013


Day 372

Today, I was listening to a radio show.  They were talking about a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto which suggests that early birds are happier and healthier than night owls. The study found that people who preferred the evening were more prone to “social jet lag”, in which a person’s biological clock becomes "out of sync” with social activities.   As a result morning people often felt more awake, more alert, happier and more motivated to tackle challenges.  They also had a stronger immune system.

They also found that as people age, they tend to wake up earlier and so that older people were happier... In fact, researchers found that most become morning people by age 60; by that time, just 7% of people are still night owls. In contrast, only 7% of young adults are early birds.

It is true that since my crazy 20's - actually they weren't that crazy - I have become more of an early bird, and I am definitely happier.  Is it because I wake up earlier, or is it due to the fact that, as you age, you become wiser, you know yourself better and you know what you want - and don't want - out of life?

Happiness is a fascinating topic.  Researchers and philosophers have long been trying to find the one ingredient that would lead to happiness. Unfortunately, the variables are too numerous to be able to determine a 'one-recipe' fits all formula.  Everone and every life experience is unique. For instance, although meditation is said to greatly improve wellbeing, I know many people who are unable to meditate!  It doesn't seem to fit with their personality.  It actually has the opposite effect... It makes them nervous!

I guess that, in the end, the only person who can draw down the list of 'happiness- inducing'  habits is yourself, whether science says waking up early, meditation or yoga lead to more happiness or not. The real challenge, however, is to keep choosing happiness evey day. It is so easy to get distracted and lose focus. It takes determination and discipline... It often means getting rid of behaviours and habits you have had for years, which is not an easy task.   But since we only have one life to live (maybe more, but not with the same name!!!!), isn't worth it to try and make it as happy as we can?

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Day 371

In the past few months, I have reflected a lot on religious belief and faith and its place in leading a meaningful life.  Since I was very young, I've often had sudden moments of blank incomprehension:  "Why are we here?  What does it all mean?  Where do we go after we die?"  Questions many people ask themselves and answer according to their religious beliefs.

Unfortunately, the answers my Catholic upbringing gave never satisfied me entirely.  I would ask
myself: "Why would Catholics be right?  Why would everyone else be wrong? If a guy would walk the streets today claiming he is the son of God, would I believe it?"

I believe faith and happiness are intrinsically linked - although, some people I know seem content living withe the belief that life ends when you die, that there is nothing more nothing less -  so I have always envied people who were able to adhere to a religion with profound conviction. I was never able to.

Earlier this year, one of my colleagues spoke to me about a guy named Edgar Cayce.  He lived at the beginning of the 20th century in the U.S.  He was called the Virginia Prophet.  I read a lot about his life and work.  He was born in a family of farmers but quickly developed the ability to go into a trance and have access to an incredible amount of information, first about people's ailments, prescribing remedies,  and then about many other issues, including past civilizations, reincarnation, etc.  It was as though he had access to a universal knowledge. Ok, I know, I' m sounding like a real cult victim adhering to some crazy esoteric beliefs!!!!!!  But reading about this guy helped me form my own set of beliefs.   It actually crystallized ideas that had slowly began to form in my mind.  Namely the conviction that the soul lives on...

Maybe faith is not essential for everyone's happiness.  Maybe some people are able to live in the present moment without questioning themselves about the past, the future or the meaning of life.  But it was important for me...

What about you? Do you believe faith is important in order to achieve happiness?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Day 370

I have totally been slacking off with my blog since I moved into my new house about a year ago. Writing about happiness in the middle of the move felt like a burden.  And as it is when you get out of any kind of routine, it has been really hard for me to get back into it.  Am I going to write every day, once a week, once a month? I don' t know.  All I do know is that somehow I will reach 500 days! I just don't know how long it will take!

However, you should know that  I haven't stopped thinking about happiness and feeding my soul with thoughts and inspiring readings.  I have also been going through the days trying to apply what I have learned and researched about happiness. What I have found is that it takes dedication, discipline and strength to always be on top of things.  With life's constant hurdles, keeping your head above water is sometimes challenging and it is through daily or even hourly effort (happy hour???!!!) that you can achieve wellbeing. That means fighting laziness, inaction and negative thoughts at all times in order to make the choices that will help you go in the right direction.

This morning, I got up and felt like writing again.  And I must say that as I am writing this post, I feel as though I am reconnecting with a long lost friend! That sounds sappy, doesn't it????  Well sappy or not, I have to say I am happy to be back!!!!