Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Day 277

For most mammals, smell is the most important sense. It is through the sense of smell that they find food and reproduce.  As for human beings, it seems that the primary function of smell has been lost. We look for food in the supermarket and we reproduce (or pretend to) even when it's not mating period!  However, the olfactory system still holds a place of choice in our lives,  especially when it comes to triggering memories and emotions.

In fact, research has shown what holistic medicine has known for centuries: aromatherapy can really work at reducing stress and depression, and at promoting happiness.  They've even found that it can have an impact on your work performance.

A few years ago I had bought a diffuser.  I had also purchased several essential oils and I used to light the diffuser so that my house would be filled with a joyful fragrance.  For some reason, I stopped doing that!  Today, I took my diffuser out again and found the tiny bottles of essential oils I had bought along with it.  As soon as I lit the diffuser,  the whole house was wrapped up in a delightful scent that lifted my spirit.  That fragrance, along with some jazz music in the background, truly made my day.

I then decided to look up the essential oils that can help promote happiness, so that I can go to my heath food store and purchase happy blends!   Here is what I found:

Essential oils that promote happiness and contentment include: 

Orange, Rose, Coriander, Clove, Jasmine, Ginger, Cinnamon, Geranium, Rose geranium, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Ylang ylang, Cypress, Neroli, Patchouli and Roman Chamomile.

Essential oils that promote peacefulness (help get rid of stress and anxiety) include:

Bergamot, Bois de Rose, Cedar, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Neroli, Petitgrain, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

We have five senses that can help us appreciate life, so why not use them all,  sense of smell included!

Smell can not only bring back happy memories... it can also serve at creating joyful memories for future reminiscence!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Day 276

Do you tend to focus on the negative aspects of your life, rather than the positive?  When you talk about your projects to people and everyone is enthusiastic about them except one person, which comment do you focus on?  When you watch the news, do you remember the catastrophic images more than the positive ones?

Well, if you tend to focus on the negative, don't worry about it.  You're not alone!  According to a study conducted by John Cacioppo, Ph.D.,  negative thinking is a widespread phenomenon.  And it is not your fault, it's because of your brain's negative bias...

For his research, Cacioppo showed some people positive, negative and neutral pictures.  By measuring the brain's electrical activity,  he demonstrated that the brain reacts more strongly to negative images.

When human beings had to fight for survival, identifying and focusing on danger was essential for survival.  It was a natural defence mechanism.  But what about in today's modern world?  Is it really useful?

Well, I've always felt that it was easier for me to be negative than positive.  I was actually talking to my friend Catherine about it the other day and yesterday, she's the one who gave me the article I used to explain Cacioppo's study!   When I read it, it just made so much sense.  

But what now?  Now that I know it's normal for me to have negative thoughts, it doesn't mean I have to accept it.  I still need to do something about it.   For one, I  can try to limit being exposed to negativity (not watching the news for instance), I can hang out with people who tend to have a positive outlook on life (eliminating toxic people) and, most importantly I can rewire my brain by meditating daily!!!

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Monday, August 29, 2011


Day 275

Yesterday was a very challenging day!  First, we had planned to celebrate my youngest daughter's birthday at a gymastic's Club. My daughter's friends were supposed to arrive at the gym at 1:30pm.  When I got there, at 1:15pm, with the food, loot bags and balloons, the trainer in charge of my daughter's party was in front of the building, banging on the front door. 

heavy rain falling on the ground
Thanks to Hurricane Irene, it was pouring rain outside, with gushing winds, making it hard to see anything.  When I went up to her, she explained that the building was usually open, but exceptionally, because the swimming pool was being repaired, the Centre was closed.  She didn't have the key and so, unless we were able to signal the janitor, we wouldn't be able to access the building.

In the pouring rain, I started banging on the door with her, partly to try to get rid of my frustration!  I probably looked like a demented woman... My husband was honking to try to help us make as much noise as possible!  If the janitor was in, he never heard us.  When the little bundles of joy arrived, we had to tell the parents the location of the parrty had changed!  It was to be held at my house, which, by the way, was in no shape to receive guests.

I tried to stay calm... things were not going my way, and in general, I don't really react well when that happens!!!!  I finally decided that since I had no control, I had to make the best of it! In the end, the older kids organized games for the younger ones... they even were able to organize a treasure hunt!  My daughter never complained!  Children are so resilient and adaptable (something I can learn from).  All  my daughter ever wanted was to have a good time with her friends!!!! Where we were didn't really matter!

Later on in the evening, we received a call from our tenant on the third floor.  Her ceiling was leaking because of all the rain.  My husband went up to see.  While he was gone, I heard noise in the bathroom!  The toilet bowl was starting to make bubbles!  It really sounded like something catastrophic was going to happen!!   When he came back, he was panicked.  He had gone on the roof only to realize it was flooded.  The water came up to his knees.  He needed buckets and asked me to call the firemen!

My youngest daughter started to cry; my oldest daughter started to panic!  I tried to stay calm, knowing very well that giving in to excessive emotion was going to make me inefficient!!!!  In five minutes, the firemen were there, with all their muscles and expertise! However, my husband had already fixed the problem.  He had figured out that the drain was filled with debris, which kept the water from draining, causing an incredible accumulation of water! 

Did I keep my cool?  Not entirely... but I did try to keep breathing!  Do I feel like I was able to deal with the unexpected!  I tried...but that whole experience made me realize, more than ever, that trying to control everything is a waste of time.  Life will lead you through unexpected detours and if you don't learn to adapt and change direction, you're doomed to wind up in many unhappy dead ends!

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Saturday, August 27, 2011


Day 274

All right, I admit it.  I'm obsessed with healthy eating.  Especially since I've been writing this blog.  I've realized, through the months, how intimately linked health and happiness are.  So,  more than ever I'm trying to make the best food choices possible.

I was wondering if there was a list somewhere of the 10 best foods to eat, in terms of vitamins, minerals and overall health benefits.  I was sure that internet would have the answer for me. When I googled it, I realized that many people have come up with lists.  Although some foods were on all the lists, there were some disparities.  So, using the knowledge I acquired making my research, I've decided to come up with my own list not of the 10 but of the 20 healthiest foods.

1. Berries -  Especially blueberries and Acai berries, which are very high in antioxidants, but also raspberries, strawberries, etc.

2. Green vegetables - Especially spinach, broccoli, kale, artichokes and cabbage.  They are filled with healthy vitamins and minerals and can help prevent many diseases.

3. Legumes - Black beans in particular, but also lentils and chickpeas (avoid canned legumes with a high  salt content).   They are all good sources of fiber, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins.

4. The allium family (Onions, Garlic, Chives, Leeks, Shallots and Scallions) - But especially raw garlic, which is a powerful natural antibiotic that can boost immunity, protect against bacteria, parasites and viruses as well as help prevent heart disease, stroke and cancer.   They give you bad breath, but it can apparently be fixed by chewing on parsley, drinking lemon juice or having green tea.

5. Seeds and nuts - Especially almonds and flaxseed.  Seeds and nuts are very healthy and nutritious. In addition to being excellent sources of protein, they have many other benefits such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other chemicals that may prevent cancer and heart disease.

6. Yogourt and kefir (probiotic and unsweetened) - They both contain healthy bacteria that helps boost your immune system, fight infection and improve your gastrointestinal health.

7. Wild Salmon - It is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, memory loss, and Alzheimer's.

8. Sprouts -  Sprouts are said to be extremely healthy, but unfortunately there has been many reported incidents of contamination with sprouts... so I'm not sure where I stand on them!!

9. Olive oil (preferably extra-virgin first cold pressed and uncooked)- It contains monounsaturated (good) fats, which have been shown to have some excellent health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease and cancer

10. Sweet potatoes - They are high in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, and studies show they can slow down the aging process and prevent some cancers.

11. Avocados - It's a very tasty fruit and has numerous health benefits. Avocado has been found to be beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

12 Poultry - Especially turkey. It is a valuable source of complete protein and B vitamins.  Turkey is leaner, low in calories and high in selenium, which helps strengthen the immune system.

13. Tomatoes - They are high in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that has a ton of health benefits, including helping prevent cancer.

14. Apples - They are extremely high in antioxidants and contain high amounts of vitamin C and fiber.

15. Citrus fruit and kiwis - They contain high levels of vitamin C, help strengthen bones, inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as anti-inflammatory.

16.  Whole grains -  Especially oatmeal, barley, oats, millet, rye and brown rice. Each of these foods has its own unique and wonderful flavor and texture, plus a broad range of nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, and trace minerals, which are sadly lacking in refined grain products, such as white rice and refined wheat (white bread, white pasta, etc).

17 - Eggs - They are packed with high-quality protein, and are an excellent source of the carotenoids lutein, choline, and xeanthin.

18 - Quinoa- Pale yellow in color, quinoa has more calcium and iron in it than rice, wheat or oats.

19 - Tea - Especially green tea.  They are full of antioxidants that attack free radicals in the body to help ensure protection against a host of diseases.

20. Water -  Water is good for digestion, assimilation and elimination, metabolism and weight control. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Maximizing health, and in consequence, happiness is not that complicated.  It's only a matter of including a variety of these foods and avoiding or limiting the intake of what we know as being unhealthy choices: sugar, fried food, refined grains, red meat, etc.

Be healthy!  Be happy!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Day 273

So I'm not so zen about this whole back to school thing!  For the past week, I feel like I've been running like a chicken without a head.  I haven't been sleeping very well.  Last night, I was up from 1:30 am to 4:30 am, thinking about everything I needed and wanted to do... One should not be thinking at night, one should be dreaming!!!!

Stress is a funny thing.  It creeps up on you and takes over your body insiduously, leaving you feeling anxious and overwhelmed!  I was trying to figure out why I felt that way when it dawned to me that it's because not only I want to be perfect at everything I do, but I'm very stubborn about trying to accomplish as much as possible.  I don't allow myself to slack off nor do I give myself a break!

I want to be a perfect mother  and be there for all my kids' activities (soccer matches, for instance), have them well-groomed, intellectually stimulated, physically in shape and artistically inclined; I want to prepare perfectly balanced and healthy meals; I want to have time to be the perfect wife, friend, daughter, sister, employee, colleague: I want my house to always be neat and organized; I want to exercise, write, meditate, draw, sing, play tennis, read, go to the museum, go to the movies, go to the theatre, etc.

No wonder I'm stressed!  I'm putting pressure on myself to become a superwoman...  One day, one week and even one lifetime is not enough to accomplish everything I want to do.

The thing is by hurrying up trying to get things done, I'm really not taking the time to fully live and enjoy life.  Rushing through the day in the hope of getting as much done as possible is certainly not conducive to peace of mind and happiness.  So, I need to:

- prioritize
- take it one step at a time
- understand that I'm not more productive if I'm stressed
- accept that I am human and not superhuman
- always take the time to breathe properly
- learn to relax even if I have things to do
- start meditating again (I stopped at the beginning of summer)

Stress could be a hinderance to happiness... so learning to manage it is essential!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Day 272

My kids are going back to school tomorrow.  So, like many parents, I've been busy purchasing all their school supplies, labelling each item and, my least favourite, covering their books.  When I was young, my father used to do it.  He enjoyed it and because he is a very meticulous person, my books always looked wonderful. I remember him using a non-sticky blue plastic.

Now, teachers want you to cover the books with a sticky clear plastic film.  The first time I used it, I was literally struggling with it.  It was sticking everywhere, including my body parts, and the result was disastrous.  All my daughter's books had bumps and traces of paper on which the plastic had accidentally stuck!   On her first day, she came back from school asking me how come her classmates had books with a smooth surface and not her!!! Needless to say, I felt awful! There is such pressure in being the perfect parent!

I've now learned to cover the books properly and I get better at it each year!   But I needed to go through the failure and then, through the period of trial and error, year after year, in order to learn and master the technique.

I've often given up on a task after trying it only once or twice, telling myself that "it's not my thing" that "I'm not that good at that kind of stuff."  It is true that some people have an easier time with certain tasks than others.  We are not all born with the same talents!  But I believe, more than ever, that if you really want to learn how to do something, you can.  It might take you more time than someone for whom it's natural, but with patience, perseverance and dedication, nothing is impossible!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Day 271

Last Saturday night, I went to the theater with my parents and my 29-year old niece.  We went to see a play called the The Lone Star Love Potion, a very light summer comedy written by Michael Parker.  I hadn't been to the theater in years.  The play was entertaining, but nothing more.  However, while I was there watching it, I realized that I love going to the theater.  I really enjoy the proximity of the actors and the classic aspect of the whole experience.

As I was driving back home, I thought that it would really be great to organize more cultural activities with my friends and family.  I love going to the museum, to concerts, to see plays, but for some reason when I think about doing those things, I never actually take the time to organize them.  The thought will come and go, but I'll procrastinate to the point of never making any reservations....

But I'm beginning to change.  On Sunday night, I sent out an e-mail to some of my friends for two outings in the fall: an opera and a play!!!!! As soon as I confirm with those interested, I'll make the reservations.

The great thing, I found out,  is that people participating in cultural activities, are more satisfied with their lives, regardless of how educated or rich they are.  According to a study published in the British Medical Association's Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, there exists a link beween culture and feeling good about yourself...

So there, even science is telling me that to be happier I need to go to the museum, watch movies, go to concerts and plays!  Why procrastinate about something that can bring me happiness?  I have mo more excuses!  From now on, my agenda will be filled with plenty of cultural activities!

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Monday, August 22, 2011


Day 270

Linda's melon soup
On Friday night, the Eatery Literary Society, my book club, met again.  As usual, the conversation was interesting and, by the end of the evening, we all thought we had been able, once more, to comfortably swim in the ocean of intellectual delight.  I love the way I feel after our meetings!

We all brought something to eat.  Linda, one of the members of the Club, went out of her way to create the dish of the evening.  She made a melon soup.  Not only was it delicious, but on top of it, it looked like a piece of art.   

It made me think of how eating begins with the eyes.  When I prepare a meal, I always make sure it's colourful. All colours vibrate, so having a rainbow of colours on your plate can not only open up  your appetite but also perhaps, have an impact on your mood.  I have noticed that when my plate looks beautiful, I often get a surge of happiness!!!

But having a colourful meal not only makes your food look better, it also insures that you are eating a well-balanced meal that includes all important nutrients.  Each different colour of fruit and vegetables, for instance, contains unique health components that are essential to health.   And since health and happiness are intimately linked, it's really a win-win situation.

Making your food look beautiful doesn't take much time, it only requires you to pay attention to the colour combinations by adding a little touch of artistic love to your dish!!!

How about you, do you pay attention to the colours when you prepare a meal???

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Saturday, August 20, 2011


Day 269

Gianni Catino is a 53 year-old teacher, musician, businessman, athlete and is certified as a Perfect Health Consultant, having studied for two years at the Deepak Chopra Center.  He is the proud father of 4 boys.  He is also one of my friends and colleagues and has had a great influence on my life.

What is happiness for you? 

To quote Charlie Chaplin: "Happiness is when people leave me alone and allow me to follow my nature."

Has your profession impacted your level and your vision of happiness? If yes, how? 

Yes, I'm living Dharma (purpose in life)  by playing music and teaching.

Has your vision of happiness greatly changed through time?

Yes and no.  I've always known happiness is a state of being. We don't access it. We experience it as a vibration we ride. No more, no less.

Do you believe you have control on your level of happiness? 

I would never try to control my "level of happiness”.  It would be in vain. Happiness has nothing to do with level. It's a state.

What do you do in your every day life to increase your happiness?

Love, practice silence, meditate, exercise, eat healthy, share, laugh, practice peace, create balance in my life, rid of toxic relationships, be of service to others and evidently play saxophone.

On the whole, would you say you are a happy person?

Yes, extremely happy...although Hades has his place, at times!!!!

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Thursday, August 18, 2011


DAY 268

Last week, I was having a conversation with my father.  I told him that since I came back from vacation, I hadn't had much time to write my blog.  "But you're on holiday", he replied.  So, it got me thinking of how productivity seems to lead to more productivity while inefficiency leads to more inefficiency.

During the school year, I have a million responsibilities.  For one, I go to work.  I also need to be extremely organized with: helping my kids with their schoolwork, preparing dinner, making lunches, writing my blog, going to work out, doing the laundry, making time for my friends, etc.  

Right now, I'm mostly doing activities with my kids: going to the pool, going to the movies, biking, walking...  I have way less things on my to-do list.  So why is it so hard for me to find time to write my blog?

I guess the old adage: "If you want something done, ask a busy person" is accurate.  The busier you are, the more you need to manage your time adequately, so the more scheduled and organized you are.

Some studies have shown that there exists a link between happiness and productivity. I'm sure it's true.  When I'm being productive, I feel happy and when I'm happy, I'm more productive.  Does that mean I'm unhappy on vacation?  Not at all!  I really enjoy having freedom as well.   I love being able to wake up in the morning and be spontaneous about what I'm going to do.

However, I do feel that the sense of accomplishment I get when I 'm productive brings me as much happiness.  So, although I dread starting up the school year in some way (I'll lose my freedom), I know it will not completely strip me of my feeling of wellbeing.  It will simply transform it...once I adapt to it.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Orford Lake
Day 267

Last weekend, we went to my friends Donna and Karine's cottage.  We swam, played tennis and did some kayaking.  The weather was perfect, the lake velvety, the food delicious, the company fabulous.  It was an all around wonderful weekend.

On Saturday, we went swimming to and around an island that is in the middle of the lake.  The kids were kayaking beside us.  The swim lasted about 40 minutes. It was a very enjoyable workout!  The next day, Donna and I went swimming together.  I expected us to do the same route and was looking forward to it, but she wanted to swim along the shore and explore another area.

My first reaction was one of surprise and then, I became slightly disappointed.  When I put something in my head, I can't sway from it very easily.  I told Donna about my lack of flexibility.  She believes that many of us are stubborn in some way because we need to be in control.

The thing is life cannot always go your way and being able to adapt and be flexible can really improve your wellbeing as well as your relationships.  In the end, the route she chose was fine.... swimming was the objective, where we swam was only secondary.

I've been trying to mentally be less rigid, to be open to change and embrace it.  Unfortunately, I have to accept that I can't control everything... In the end, I loved our swim.  We went to an area of the lake I hadn't seen and that I wouldn't have, had we chosen to swim to and around that island.  

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Day 266

Who doesn't love sugar?  The sweet taste of chocolate mousse, homemade cookies,  carrot cake... Though we consume it on a daily basis, we all know that it contains no vitamins, no minerals and that it is simply not healthy.  But just how bad is it?

As I researched the negative aspects of sugar for this post, I realized that, in fact, there is not much controversy on the topic.  All specialists more or less agree that refined sugar is addictive (more than cocaine according to studies) and nutritionally empty.  Because of the fact that it increases the insulin level in your blood, it also can cause a multiplicity of ailments.    Amongst other things , sugar:

- Suppresses the immune system, making us open to bacterial infections
- Increases inflammation
- Throws off the body’s ability to both absorb and maintain proper balance of essential minerals (i.e., calcium, magnesium, chromium, copper)
- Weakens eyesight
- Can produce an acidic stomach
- Is the top cause of tooth decay
- Contributes to obesity
- Can decrease growth hormone
- Can increase the systolic blood pressure
- Can cause migraine headaches
- Can cause cataracts
- Can increase free radicals in the blood stream
- Can increase over eating

Sugar also has an impact on the mood.  Our bodies naturally produce serotonin (the feel-good brain chemical) in balanced amounts. Sugar raises the serotonin level in our brain, giving us a "high".  However, over time, the intake of sugar leads the body to cut back on serotonin production, throwing off the natural serotonin balance, thus having an effect on mood, appetite, cravings, sex drive, energy and sleeping patterns.

According to Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Medicine) and Traditional Chinese Medicine, we all need the six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, astringent, bitter and pungent to stimulate the taste buds on our tongue at main meals, in order to experience satiety.  However, sweetness can be found in fruit and in less refined sugars such as honey and molasses, which happen to also contain minerals and vitamins essential to the body.   Entirely cutting out sugar of the diet might not be possible (sugar is found in everything), but just decreasing your intake can have a positive impact on health and happiness!

And how about you?  Do you eat a lot of sugar?  Would you like to cut down?

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Monday, August 15, 2011


Day 265

I feel we live in a world that is becoming more and more individualistic.  It's probably partly due to the competitive nature of professional life, the illusion that fame and fortune is key to happiness and the lost of community based relationships. Interestingly enough, all experts agree that going beyond yourself, lending a hand to the less fortunate, is an essential part of happiness.  So, if we are all pursuing happiness, why aren't we all out there volunteering our time and helping those in need?

A little girl named Rachel Beckwith understood that.  I didn't know her story, but on
Friday, I received an e-mail from my cousin Chris with a link to an article published in the New York Times.   I found her story touching, inspiring, but also very sad... so, I've decided to share it with you, my readers.

Rachel Beckwith was born in Issaquah, Washington.  At the age of 5 years old, Rachel heard about an organization called Locks of Love, which uses hair donation to make wigs for children who have lost their hair because of cancer and other diseases.  She asked her mom to cut her hair and send it to the organization.  After doing it once, she told her mom she wanted to grow her hair again to be able to send it once more a couple of years later, which she did.

At the age of 8, Rachel's parish was having a fundraiser for an organization called charity:water which works at building wells for African communities.  Rachel was shocked to learn that some children in Africa didn't have clear water, so she decided to try to raise money herself for the cause.  She asked her friends and family not to give her presents for her birthday, which was on June 12th, but instead, to make a contribution for that organization.  She created a birthday fund that she posted on the organization web page.  She wanted to gather 300$, but only managed to raise 220$.

On July 20th, Rachel's family got into a car accident.  No one got injured except for Rachel, who went into a coma.  When it became clear that she wouldn't regain consciousness, word spread about her wish to raise money for that organization.  Contributions to her fund have now reached over $850,000.  Rachel tragically died on July 23rd of this year.

The first thing that comes to mind is why?  It seems so unfair to die so young.  Her small contribution to humanity truly serves as an inspiration.   Not everyone is meant to do volunteer work or initiate fundraisers for great causes, but helping others, even in the smallest way, can definitely make a difference in this world.  Also, take advantage of every minute of your life, because, in the end, you never know what the future holds!

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Friday, August 12, 2011


Day 264

A few days ago, I wrote a post about a The Longevity Project, a book I found fascinating for its original approach to health and happiness.  One of the authors of the book commented on my post.  He kindly accepted to share his vision on happiness on my blog.

Howard Friedman is a Distinguished Professor at the University of California in Riverside, and author of The Longevity Project: 
Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study (  A graduate of Yale and Harvard, he is the recipient of two major career awards for his health psychology research.

Here are the questions I asked him: 

What is happiness for you? 
Has your profession impacted your level and your vision of happiness? If yes, how? 
Has your vision of happiness greatly changed through time?
What do you do in your every day life to increase your happiness?

My approach to happiness has indeed changed as a consequence of my two decades of research on The Longevity Project.  As a result of my findings from the research (and my own further thinking about the subject), I do not focus directly on happiness. Instead, as you can see in the book, we found that individuals who live a meaningful, productive life, and who stay involved with other people, naturally tend to grow happier and healthier! 

The challenges of work turn out to be a good thing, not a "stress," and so I welcome new tasks. (There are self-quizzes in the book to evaluate one's own trajectory.) 

In line with the findings of The Longevity Project, I try to stay active, involved, and doing something worthwhile. We found that running away and hiding in a perpetual vacation on an isolated beach somewhere is NOT the road to health, happiness or long life.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Day 263

There are so many things to do in Montreal.  Sometimes, I feel like I don't really know my hometown.  I know my neighbourhood very well, but it seems like I' always hanging around the same places, never venturing out...

So, today I decided to get out of my comfort zone and explore a little.  It wasn't extremely hot, so I figured it would be a good idea to go biking with the kids.  After consulting my brother, I  borrowed my cousin's bike rack and drove to a suburb of the city.  There, I discovered a beautiful bike path in a gigantic park.

We had so much fun riding our bikes in the middle of nature.  There was hardly anyone around.  Everything was so quiet and peaceful.  Until, of course, we started hearing thunder and got lost trying to find our way back to the car.

Still, at the end of the afternoon, both my kids told me they wanted to go back very soon.

It made me think that, although when I travel, I love to discover and explore,  when I'm home, I tend to stick to what I know.

So, I've decided to change that.  From now on, I'm going to live in Montreal as if I were a tourist.  I am no longer going to take my city for granted!

I might have discovered one little treasure today, but I'm sure there plenty others hidden all over the city!

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Day 262

Today I went to the dentist.  Let's make something clear:  I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST!

First of all, I find it very uncomfortable to leave my mouth open for an hour and having different dental tools making irritating sounds painfully pressing on my teeth .  Also, I produce a lot of saliva (scientific word for drool) and every single dentist and dental hygienist feels the need to mention it: "Gee, there's a real fountain in there."

Secondly, when I'm sitting on that big chair, I always feel like a six year old: "Are you sure you floss your teeth every day?", " Hmmm, the last time you came was... let me see... April 2010!  I know you don't have dental insurance, but you really should come twice a year, I see a lot of tartar accumulation on your teeth."  "You don't brush your gums, do you?" No, I don't.  It's called brushing your teeth not brushing your gums!

Finally, going to the dentist is very expensive.  It cost me 150 $ for a cleaning!  They also suggested I get a tooth extracted (I had partially fractured it one day while eating a date with a pit) and implant a new one. The whole procedure would cost 3000$...  More expensive than a trip to the Caribbean! 

So, you might be wondering why I'm talking about my appointment at the dentist on my happiness blog, if all it brings me is misery.

Well, I'm happy I stopped procrastinating about going to the dentist, because although I hate it,  I still have to do it.  And I'm also happy I won't have to go back for another year (I will not suffer through this every six months).  So, for me, today was definitely a happy day.

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Monday, August 8, 2011


Day 261

Last Saturday, we went over to my brother's suburban neighbourhood.  He lives in a sort of gated community, which gives him access to a swimming pool, a tennis court, a basketball court and a baseball field.  My children love going there, for obvious reasons.  I also enjoy spending time there.  I find it relaxing, especially in the summer.  The pool is never very crowded, so you can really swim.

I love swimming.  All through elementary school, I took swimming lessons, so I feel very comfortable in water.

I remember when I was younger, my aunt owned a trailer.  She would spend her summers on a campground in the country near a lake.  I would often go and spend some time there.  I would swim across the lake.  I loved it.

Contrarily to popular belief, although swimming is accessible to all ages and all levels, it can still give you a great workout. Last Saturday, after swimming 20 laps at a pretty fast speed,  I was tired.

Swimming has great physical benefits: It gives you a cardiovascular workout;  It works out many muscle groups simultaneously (legs, back, shoulders, arms), etc. But it also has mental benefits. Swimming can really put you in a meditative state. All you focus on is your breathing and your strokes. You can't work out with your I-Pod or watch t.v. at the same time.  And, when you come out of the water, you always feel relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated, especially on a hot summer day.

Through the ages, water has served to treat and heal many ailments.  And more and more studies are coming out, showing again and again the benefits of swimming.

Recently, at the University of South Carolina , a  study led by Dr. Steven Blair evaluated more than 40,000 men over a 32 year period.“Swimmers had the lowest death rate,” explains Blair. “Therefore, swimming appears to be a healthy alternative to other types of physical activity.”

Another study led by Dr. Joel M. Stager, a researcher at the University of Indiana, established that the aging process in terms of respiration, muscle mass, bone density, cardiovascular activity and neurological function was slowed down significantly in people who swam regularly.

However, beyond what studies say,  I simply enjoy the activity.  Because I tend to get cold, I don't enjoy it as much in the winter.  But, since the beginning of the summer, I have really made a point of exercising and having fun swimming in the water.  It's been wonderful!

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