Are there some people in your life who tend to make you feel bad? Sometimes, it's not so much because of their personality, but because of the dynamics of your relationship. The same person can be a certain way with one friend and completely different with another. Each relationship is unique and can bring out the best or the worst in you.

These people will go on and on about themselves, so much that you'll actually feel like telling them: THERE IS NOT ONLY YOU IN OUR RELATIONSHIP!!!! They know how to turn a conversation around in a way so that it becomes about them, which can be very irritating. They are sometimes narcissistic, but not necessarily.
These people will make you feel uncomfortable without saying anything. They are judgmental, so whenever you are around them, you feel like you're on trial. You get nervous and will say things you would never say in normal circumstances. These people bring out the worst in you and make you feel awkward and insecure.
Whenever you talk to these people about a project, they'll make sure to give you a million reasons why it will never happen. Then, when you get upset at them, they'll tell you they're just being realistic, that they don't want you to get hurt.
To be innovative and creative, you need to dream the impossible... These people will try to put obstacles in your way before you even start your project!
These people simply see the dark side of life. While you see the sun shining, they'll look at the clouds coming. You'll talk about the positive aspects of a situation and they'll only see the negative. They're constantly complaining about everything and every one. Their glass is always half empty.
While it might not be possible to completely get rid of all the toxic people in your life (some might be in your family), minimizing contact with them or avoiding situations in which they drain your energy can really make the difference in your well-being.
Trying to change how people behave is a waste of time, but making sure to surround yourself with friends who have sunny, simple and uplifting dispositions and with whom you can be yourself is a great way of making sure you become the best that you can be!
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