Thursday, August 18, 2011


DAY 268

Last week, I was having a conversation with my father.  I told him that since I came back from vacation, I hadn't had much time to write my blog.  "But you're on holiday", he replied.  So, it got me thinking of how productivity seems to lead to more productivity while inefficiency leads to more inefficiency.

During the school year, I have a million responsibilities.  For one, I go to work.  I also need to be extremely organized with: helping my kids with their schoolwork, preparing dinner, making lunches, writing my blog, going to work out, doing the laundry, making time for my friends, etc.  

Right now, I'm mostly doing activities with my kids: going to the pool, going to the movies, biking, walking...  I have way less things on my to-do list.  So why is it so hard for me to find time to write my blog?

I guess the old adage: "If you want something done, ask a busy person" is accurate.  The busier you are, the more you need to manage your time adequately, so the more scheduled and organized you are.

Some studies have shown that there exists a link between happiness and productivity. I'm sure it's true.  When I'm being productive, I feel happy and when I'm happy, I'm more productive.  Does that mean I'm unhappy on vacation?  Not at all!  I really enjoy having freedom as well.   I love being able to wake up in the morning and be spontaneous about what I'm going to do.

However, I do feel that the sense of accomplishment I get when I 'm productive brings me as much happiness.  So, although I dread starting up the school year in some way (I'll lose my freedom), I know it will not completely strip me of my feeling of wellbeing.  It will simply transform it...once I adapt to it.

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Anonymous said...

Busy people, get more done, once the dynamo is running all is fine but it's very hard to get into gear.....

Unknown said...

I completely agree... and it goes for everything. For instance, when I stop working out even for just a week, it's very hard to start again.

Anonymous said...

Our western society highly values performance and productivity, so it is very hard for many of us to stay still or simply enjoy the present moment for what it is. We often find it hard to relax and let go. Eastern cultures see this diffently; being in a receptive or contemplative mode is as important as doing or working, because it nurtures creativity, mindfulness, inner peace and creates space for new ideas to emerge. Balance is an essential part of happiness.

Unknown said...

Balance is definitely what we need to seek!