Sunday, September 23, 2012


Day 362

This week, after 25 years of procrastination, I finally began a drawing class with my friend Donna.  Let me first tell you that getting to that class on Thursday nights requires a great deal of determination on my part.  I first have to go home (I arrive at about 4:30pm) , prepare dinner for my children and make sure they do their homework.  Then, I have to bring them to their gymnastics class for 5:30 (in the north part of town during rush hour) and, afterwards, go all the way downtown (which is in the south part of town) for my three-hour class....

So obviously this week I was a little late to class, and my teacher reprimanded me (Give me a break!)... When I arrived, students were introducing themselves.  I have always hated that part of a class.  "Hi, my name is Janet and I'm here because I would like to add color to my life". PLEASE!!!!The funny thing is, I never remember anybody's name, what they do, etc.  But I guess it's a convention, and all teachers do it!

I was really excited to begin, ready to take on the world and draw it!  "For your first exercise, come closer", the teacher said.  Excitedly I thought: "Here it first drawing exercise!" " This is how you sharpen a pencil with an exacto knife", she explained.  I thought she was kidding!  Sharpen a pencil! You mean I waited 25 years to learn how to sharpen a pencil!

This being said, there were wonderful moments throughout the class when I felt completely absorbed, or as Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi would call it, in a state of flow.  All right, so maybe my expectations were a little high.  After 25 years of waiting, maybe I romanticized what a  drawing class would be like.  And maybe I won't become a great artist after this class, but no matter what I am going to learn, I know that for three hours in the week, I will be able to forget about time, problems, worries and really live the moment!

And how about you?  Is there something you have been procrastinating about for a long time?????

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