Friday, February 4, 2011


Day 130

As I was driving back from work, I started thinking about the fact that I love Fridays.   I'm always in a good mood on that day.  I wake up happy and that feeling seems to stay with me the whole day.  I'm always so hopeful about the weekend.  I look forward to spending time with my husband and my kids, seeing my friends and family and, obviously,  I'm ecstatic about being able to take my time in the morning.

I've always compared the days of the week to the seasons of the year.   For me, Sunday morning is like early autumn and Sunday night like the end of November when it's cold, damp and you know winter is coming.  Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are like winter.  You're in the thick of things, it's hard work, but you accept that you have to live through it.  Thursdays and Fridays are like spring.  You know summer is coming and you're very excited about it.  Saturdays are like summer.  They're wonderful, but way too short. My favorite season is spring and incidentally, my favorite days of the week are Thursdays and Fridays.

When I arrived home from work, I decided to look and see what research says about the happiest day of the week.  I knew I would find some serious researcher who would have been interested in that topic.  So, here is what I found... 

In 2009, researchers at the University of Vermont analyzed 2.4 million blogs and Internet messages to find out which days of the week people love the most by counting the number of positive and negative words used.

The findings show that Sunday is people's favorite day with their worst day being Wednesday.  Tuesday is  a bad day for sex... very important information to know.  

I couldn't believe it.  It's impossible.  I have never liked Sundays, especially Sunday nights.  I'm starting to have major doubts about "scientific research".  

If Sunday is your favorite day, please let me know.  I will conduct my own survey in order to find out if I am the only one who feels gloomy on Sundays and great on Fridays.  As for Tuesdays being a bad day for sex, I'm not sure I agree with that either! 


Unknown said...

Dina ,

I love Sundays , always have ! Monday is my worst day and I love fridays because it is close to the weekend , but Saturday is running errands , cleaning ( unless I have an activity planned ) and of course saturday evenings has always been spending time with friends and love ones , but SUNDAY - is the real day off for me , I have never done errands , many times it's lunch with all the family and the whole day is just about free day , day off ...just relaxing that's why I feel the greatest on Sundays and it's my favorite day . Pierre likes Sundays but hates Sunday nights ..because of course work the next day .

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment Anita. I'm happy to know some people do like Sundays... the scientific study might not be wrong after all!

Unknown said...

Friday is definitely my favourite day and like you, Sunday, is one of my least favourite.