Thursday, September 1, 2011


Day 278

For some reason, September seems like a wonderful time to focus on what you want to change in your life and get a new start.  It's the beginning of the schoolyear and the return, in many households, to regular routine. One of the things high up on my resolution list is, without a doubt, to keep exercising. 

In the spring, I was exercising four to five times a week.  When I left on vacation for Spain, I was scared I would stop, but I didn't, at least not for the first two weeks.  We were staying in a seafront hotel and steps away from my room,  located between the hotel and the sea, there was a boardwalk I was able to jog on every morning, as soon as I woke up.   After we moved from that hotel, I found it more challenging to find the place and time to exercise, so I slowly stopped my regular workouts. 

When we got back to Montreal, I was out of rhythm.  It took me another 2-3 weeks to start exercising again.  And although I am now working out three times a week, I'm definitely not as motivated as I was in the spring.

Exercise is an essential part of  my wellbeing.  When I exercise, I always feel like I have more energy during the day and better sleep at night,  So, I need to find ways to stay motivated. 

Here are some tips that can help in finding and keeping motivation when it comes to exercise:

- remind yourself, on a daily basis, of the benefits of exercising;
- start the week with a bang - if you start your week with exercise, you set the tone for the rest of the week;
- don't go more than two days in a row without exercising - it's very easy to get out of the groove and very difficult to get back into it (I've experienced that numerous times);
- if you don't have time to go to the gym, you can exercise from home - get a yoga or pilates dvd, dance to your favourite tunes (alone or along with your children), go for walks, etc.;
- find something you enjoy doing - if you hate it, you won't stick with it;
- find a friend to exercise with - it's much easier to give yourself an excuse than to let somebody else down;
- write it down in your agenda - if it's written, you might be more prone to doing it.

Thrity minutes of physical activity a day can have a positive impact both your mental and physical state... you just have to do it!

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