Monday, November 14, 2011


Day 318

Today, I began a new session with a new group of students.  It's always a little scary for me.  It's scary because change is always potentially scary.  It requires you to dive into the unknown.  Fortunately though, I've been confronted with this situation for the last 15 years, so the unknown has proven to be a little predictable.  I don't feel that way about everything in my life.

For instance, my husband and I have been living in the same place for 12 years, and for 12 years we've been contemplating the idea of moving. We've always complained about the same issues: we don't have a yard, we don't have a basement, our street looks like a war zone after every snow storm, we only have two bedrooms, etc. But we haven't moved because we love being able to walk everywhere, do our errands by foot.  We live four blocks away from my children's school (a five-minute walk), the drugstore is around the corner, the supermarket three blocks away and my favorite coffee shop a block away. How could we give all of that up?

Human beings find security in consistency and habit. Our present home gives us just that. The process of changing homes would potentially shake that stability and could become a great source of stress. That's why most people like everything to remain the same.  That way calm and peace prevails in their lives, and they don't have to think too hard.  Change always stirs things up and the outcome is never really predictable.

In truth, it all comes down to fear, and especially fear of the unknown. Someone could be in a miserable marriage and stay because, although they feel miserable, they're scared of the aftermath.  The same goes for changing jobs, houses and for some people, it even applies to vacation destinations.

Venturing out, getting out of your comfort zone,  embracing change requires courage, action-oriented decision-making and determination.  Some people thrive on those emotions... they're adventurous by nature, so for them change is not really an issue.  I have friends like that, John and Christina, for instance.

The fact of the matter is, change is INEVITABLE.  At this very instant, your cells are transforming.  Life is a cycle of constant transformations.  Nature changes from season to season.  Every second people are born and people die.

So, since change will occur no matter what, why not welcome and embrace change as being an incredible opportunity to grow, learn and experience life in a different way, whether the change is imposed or chosen.

"The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble."
 Henry Miller

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.
Author Unknown

Change always comes bearing gifts.
Price Pritchett

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