Tuesday, November 15, 2011


DAY 319

When I opened up my computer this morning, my Dutch friend Erik had posted this image on his Facebook page.

I always tell my children the same thing John Lennon's mother used to tell him.  For me, the most important thing is that my kids grow up to become happy individuals.  It doesn't matter how much money they make, what kind of job they have (as long as they get a good education), how big their house is, as long as they find joy and happiness in whatever career they choose. Because, in the end, isn't  happiness the goal we all ultimately pursue?

Think about all the things you want in life, a good job, a good marriage, a beautiful home, nice vacations, good friends, all in the hope that these things will bring you happiness.

Many people believe that the strongest human characteristic is the survival instinct... Why would there be suicide then?  Why would people suffering from fatal diseases want to die?  To end suffering, be happy and in peace once again.

The problem is that in order to reach that ultimate goal, we often look for the quick fix, the immediate gratification.  By doing so, we may create moments of joy but certainly not long-lasting happiness.

I believe meditation, spirituality, exercise, healthy eating, purpose of life, connecting with friends and family are all ways to achieve that long-lasting bliss.  All the other stuff, all the material objects you can acquire and the great fun you can temporarily have,  is not the core.   It is, nevertheless, icing you can add to flavour your life.

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