Thursday, December 1, 2011


Day 329

When late fall, early winter comes, I always feel like my waist is slowly expanding as the days go by.  And with the Christmas season right around the corner, I better shape up before it gets out of hand!  There are many reasons why that happens.  First, I'm less active in winter.  Secondly, when the weather is cold, I just want to stay home in the cozy warmth of my house. I get LAZY!  Also, I always feel more tired in winter and when I'm more tired, I tend to eat more.

Genetically speaking, it is likely that humans have an inclination to store more fat when the cold months approach. A lot of animals do this. Additional layers of fat protect the body against the cold temperature.  Originally, this fat might have been used as fuel during the late winter months to early spring when food supply was very low. Because of this, we may tend to unconsciously take foods that have higher fat content at this time, although now we have access to food all year long.

The lack of daylight caused by the shorter daytime on late fall and wintertime could also contribute to winter weight gain.  One of the fastest ways to increase the energy level is to eat foods that are high in carbohydrate and sugar. Since the lost of daylight can affect the mood and energy level, overeating and consuming the wrong foods (sweets and carbs) could be used as a way to regain energy.

The best way to handle this is generally to carefully choose the food we ingest.   We could substitute highly fattening foods with other similar foods that are also high in carbohydrate so that we get what our body craves, without the extra calories. This means choosing food that is low in fat and high in fibre such as wholegrain bread, wholegrain rice, cereals and fresh fruit.

And we shouldn't forget to include exercise despite the weather.  Going to the gym, taking a walk outside with appropriate extra-warm attire, using an exercise dvd in the comfort of the home or getting a stationary bicycle for optional in-house training are all ways to keep the "blubber" away.  In the end, it's easier to prevent gaining weight in winter than to go on a diet in a panic when "bathing suit" season is around the corner.

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