Monday, December 19, 2011


Day 338

Last weekend, we went up to the country with my brother's family.  Initially, I didn't feel like going.  They were announcing a very cold weekend, so I figured we weren't really going to be able to enjoy the outdoors.  I hate being cold, so, when the weather is too cold, I don't stay out very long. Also, going away for a weekend involves a lot of preparation for very little time.  You have to pack your bags, plan all your meals and go buy all necessary ingredients.  It seems like a lot of trouble for only 2 nights.

Despite my initial reticence, we decided to go.  On Thursday night, I prepraed the luggage and, on Friday, having the afternoon off, I went grocery shopping. 

As soon as we arrived to the condo we had rented and unpacked, something magical happened: all the accumulated stress of the past few weeks dissolved.  I felt really relaxed.  And, even though the weather was not perfect, it was sunny and we were able to enjoy the outdoors.  We went for walks, the children built a fort, etc.

The weeks prior to Christmas are always a little hectic for me.  So, taking a break from it all did me good. 

I still have tons of Christmas shopping to do and I know that, between work and taking care of my children, this next week will be incredibly busy.  I could have taken advantage of Saturday and Sunday to accomplish so much.  But, at the same time, I'm back from a 2-day vacation that has helped recharge my batteries.  I completely detached and,  I slept so well while I was there, that I now feel better equipped to face the crazy week that is ahead of me.

Although sometimes an activity that brings you out of your routine doesn't seem worth the effort, forcing yourself to do it can give you the opportunity to experience life in a different way and, for a short period, forget about all the 'have-tos' of your every day life.

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