Thursday, February 3, 2011


Day 129

All right, maybe it's not a week from hell and I'm exaggerating a tiny bit, and I'm not talking about what's going on in Egypt, which is undoubtedly much worse than what I'm about to tell you.  

Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything just seems to be going wrong?   Well that is what happened to us this past week.  First, last Thursday, our dryer started making a loud and abnormal squeaky noise.  We looked it up in the user's manual and realized that there was nothing we could do about it; it had done its time!!!!! 

Two days later, as I pressed on the start button of the dishwasher, I noticed that nothing was happening.  So, I pressed again and nothing happened again... the dishwasher was dead.  We have now gone back to the old-fashioned way of doing the dishes.  My hands are getting rather dry so I'd better get gloves before my skin starts falling off.  I've become so precious!

Yesterday, as I was going into my home office to publish a post I had managed to write during the day, I couldn't get my computer on... dead!!! I even lost the post I wanted to publish!  Thank god I had a post written on Gandhi that I hadn't published yet and that was saved on my work computer, which I have access to from home.  I had to use my husband's portable computer to post.  After I published, I realized I had published the unedited version.   On that version, Gandhi was born in 1969! 

On top of it, my youngest daughter has been sick with fever since Saturday and my oldest daughter came back from school last night with a fever of 39.5!  So we've been having quite the nightlife! Unfortunately, not the same type of nightlife I used to have when I was 20!

So, trying to think about happiness has been more challenging!  I guess it is a little bit of a test!  How can I succeed in seeing the bright side of things?  

First, it just happens that a very good friend of my husband's has a dryer he doesn't need anymore, so he is selling it to us at a ridiculous price.  It is newer than ours, so it should last us a couple of years.  Also, my husband's cousin just bought a new dishwasher, so he's giving us his old one.  It is exactly the same brand.  The computer is getting repaired for free because it is brand new and the guarantee is still valid!  My youngest daughter's fever broke a few hours ago.  And this week, I had the chance to spend some time alone with her, chitchatting, reading and playing board games.  My eldest is definitely better today than she was yesterday...

Every single problem eventually got solved.  So, what is the lesson I have to learn from all of this?  Well, first of all, I should always remember the old saying: "This too shall pass".  These are not serious problems and so, I know that everything will eventually pass.

Secondly, I should keep in mind that life is not and will never be flawless.  Making my life better is about working on creating happiness within myself and around me, which also means learning to overcome and deal with the little hurdles that come my way.

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