Thursday, February 10, 2011


Day 136

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”Mark Twain

Motivation is essential if you want to reach your goals.  And I've already talked about how important it is to have goals in order to be happy. I've always been quite good in algebra, so I know that if a=b and b=c, then a=c.  In other words, if we need motivation to achieve our goals, and we need goals to be happy, then we need motivation to find happiness.   Are you following me?

Being aware of the importance of motivation is the first step.  The next one will be to figure out how to find motivation and keep it.

I have enough life experience to know that I personnally lose motivation as soon as, for some unexpected reason, I get out of the grove.  I was exercising regularly, going to the gym four times a week and then, for a whole week, I had to work more so I had less time to go.  The week after, my kids got sick so I had to stay home with them.  I got out of the grove and now, I'm finding it hard to get back into it.

Not everyone has the same needs when it comes to motivation, but I do believe the following tips can be helpful to most of us:

- Planning and preparation
If you plan your day so that you include activities related to your goal, you will be more likely to follow through with it.   If I prepare my gym bag and bring it with me to work,  I have more chances of going to workout at the end of the day than if I have to go back home before.  I know that, if I go back home, as soon as I step in, I will find a million other things that need to be done.

- Just do it
I know this is easier said than done.  But action truly is the secret to reaching any goal.  I, for one,  have the tendency to overthink.  So, the best way for me to move forward is to be in motion.  Thinking and analyzing too much can be anti-productive.  Sometimes, you just have to do it!

- Divide your goals into tiny steps
This is true especially when you have a long-term objective.  In that case, it's better to divide it into small reachable goals so that you don't get discouraged.  Dividing your goal into small steps also helps you stay on track.

- Stay focused
 It is so easy to get distracted from your goal.  Every night, I meditate on what I want to accomplish.  It helps me stay focused.

- Don't give up
It is perfectly normal to sometimes sidetrack.  Losing focus for a few days does not mean you need to give up.  Life is unpredictable and sometimes we need to put things on hold until we're ready to begin again.  

-Enjoy the process
If you really want to reach a goal, you need to enjoy the ride.  After all, it is a known fact that the journey is far more important than the result.

- Make it a priority
If your goal is important to you,  you need to put it high on your list of priorities, which sometimes means giving up something else.

Motivation is to a goal what an engine is to a car, without it, you never get very far!

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