Thursday, February 17, 2011


DAY 143

The world is divided in doers and thinkers. Obviously, nobody is  entirely one or the other. Most of us are, at different levels, a combination of both, but with a predominance.

Thinkers often come up with brilliant ideas, think through their problems before arriving to a solution and have the tendency to live in their head a lot.

Doers have an idea and implement it right away. When confronted with a problem, they talk about it so that they can quickly find a solution and apply it immediately.

I am mostly a thinker. The amount of ideas and inventions I‘ve had throughout my life should have made me a millionaire by now. I sometimes get ideas and get so enthusiastic about them, thinking, inventing, formulating, recreating…. all these thoughts dancing uncontrollably and joyfully in my head!  The problem with thinkers like me, who think and think, is that they end up wasting a lot of time thinking and they forget that in order for an idea to materialise, they need to put it into action!!!!!

I find it quite interesting that my husband and best friend are both doers. They are both quite impulsive and don’t linger on thoughts for too long. They are action-oriented.   I've noticed that couples are often made up of a thinker and a doer, I guess it creates balance.  If I were married to a thinker, we probably wouldn't get so much done... but we'd be really good at theorizing about what we have to do.

There are no statistics that I know of on the matter, but I would bet that thinkers tend to suffer more then doers. They analyse and linger on situations instead of doing something right away to rectify the situation. They also probably ruminate more on negative thoughts.

Learning to become more of a doer has helped me become happier. With all the knowledge I now have on happiness, I have slowly realized that in order to really increase my well-being, I need to put that knowledge into action, even if I’m only doing it one tiny step at a time.

And how about you? Are you a doer, a thinker or a combination of both?

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