Saturday, February 12, 2011


Day 138

When I was young, I heard many stories about Egypt.  The country my parents would describe back then has nothing to do with the one that exists today. Growing up in the 40's, they enjoyed a very European lifestyle. The pictures they have of themselves of that period could very well have been taken in  Hollywood during the same era. Their style was very fashionable.

At that time, Egypt lived under a constitutional monarchy, similar to the British political system, with the king having limited powers.

In 1952, the putsch led by Nasser, marked the beginning of the Egyptian dictatorial system. For 60 years, Egypt has been ruled by an autocratic government. Eighteen days ago, Egyptians decided that this political system had lasted long enough. Yesterday, Mubarak, who had been in power for 30 years, finally resigned.

When it was announced that Mubarak was stepping down, the streets of Cairo were swept by a wave of exhilaration shared by the entire world. Causes involving freedom and democracy always brings out worldwide passion and solidarity.

When looking at the faces of Egyptian people in Tahrir square, one could see the happiness and emotion of victory. Egyptians now have hope that democracy will finally return in their country. They have hope that the future will bring them freedom. They have hope that their lives are going to get better at last.

Happiness and hope go hand in hand. Hope is the seed, happiness is the fruit. Now that the seed has been planted, we just need to wait and see in which direction the tree will grow, hopefully it will be toward freedom and democracy!

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