Thursday, January 12, 2012


Day 345

In 2012, I resolve to lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, meditate, do volunteer work, etc.  Does this sound familiar?  At the beginning of the year, many people make a list of resolutions.  Not many keep them.  Yet, it really IS the best time to implement changes in your life.   As I was doing the countdown on New Year's Eve, I really visualized the fact that I was putting 2011 behind me and starting a new year.  A year where not a line had been written, a year that I was free to draw as I pleased.   So, I made resolutions, like many other people.  And then, I wondered how I could make sure I would keep them.  Here is what I came up with:

Be Specific
The problem with many resolutions is that they are not specific enough.  I remember once reading an interesting article about setting goals and achieving them.  One of things that was mentioned is the importance of being specific in your goals.  It's not enough to say you want to see more of your friends.  You need to specify: "I'll go for coffee with a friend once a week."'

Be optimistic
This week, I asked my students if they had made any resolutions for the New Year.  One of them replied that she hadn't because when she does, she never keeps them.  Obviously, if you start off thinking that you won't keep your resolutions, then you won't.  If you have a positive attitude, you have a better chance.

Be realistic
At the same time, your resolutions cannot be too ambitious.  You have to make sure that realistically you can achieve the goal you set for yourself.  If you set the bar too high, chances are you'll get discouraged.  For instance, if you want to exercise more, start walking everyday at lunch time.  Little steps are often more effective than giant ones because they require less of a drastic change in your lifestyle.

Don't give up
Don't give up after the first drawback.  If you are exercising regularly and you don't go for a week because you got sick, it doesn't mean you should stop.  As soon as you'll start going back, you'll get into it again.  

Think about happiness
Whatever resolution you make, keep your happiness in mind.  I've seen countless people dieting and feeling miserable about it.  Eating healthy doesn't mean eating salad with no dressing!!!!  You need to find ways to better your life!  It might sometimes require you to give up the instant gratification for the bigger purpose, but it doesn't mean giving up all the pleasures of life.   Knowing what brings you lasting happiness can help you make the right choices!

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