Monday, January 23, 2012


Day 350

The former owners of the house we have bought left many pieces of furniture, including a whole dining room set, a stove, a microwave oven, twin beds, a futon, etc.  Initially, we thought that maybe we could sell them and use the money to buy all the things we will need for our new home.

So, the little greedy angel on my left shoulder was thinking "we could make money with this" while the giving and generous angel on my right shoulder was thinking "we should give it to someone who needs it".  However, the more I thought of it, the more I felt that selling it was not the right thing to do. After all, these things were given to us.

In the end, I decided that it was a great opportunity to help people who might be in need...

The first people that came to my mind were my students.  Many of them are new immigrants looking for a job and struggling with money.  So, I took pictures of all the furniture that was there and showed it to them.  On Saturday, six or seven of them,  showed up with little cans borrowed from friends and got what they had chosen.

They were all so appreciative and happy.  One of my students is a single mother of three children, who was born in Ecuador.  She came to Canada in search for a better life.  I don't know her whole story, only bits and pieces, but I don't think things have been that easy for her.  She took a twin bed for her daughter with a nice wooden dresser and a mirror and another twin bed for her son...

Giving to all those students brought me much more happiness than the few dollars I would have made selling the furniture.  It felt so good being able to bring some joy to my students.

It reminded me once again that, although out of habit and probably because of attachment to material goods, we sometimes tend to adopt a selfish and greedy attitude, generosity and the act of giving are far more fulfilling.

 "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in Giving Creates Love.”
Lao Tsu

"Before giving, the mind of the giver is happy; while giving, the mind of the giver is made peaceful; and having given, the mind of the giver is uplifted."

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