Monday, September 20, 2010


Day 2

So this morning, when I woke up, I thought that to discover the true meaning of happiness, as a start, I would try to find out what great thinkers and human beings I have always admired think of happiness.
Mahatma Gandhi defines happiness as being when what you think, what you say, and what you do, are in harmony.

So, right there, I fail. I don’t think buying objects made in China is something I should do, yet I did it just yesterday. And it pains me to admit it, but I am full of contradictions….

- I don’t think that when I’m full, I should eat that second piece of wonderfully fluffy chocolate mousse, yet I do it.

- I believe one should exercise every day and as my buttock can attest, I don’t!

- I think getting upset is a waste of time and of energy, but when my daughters are climbing curtains and pulling at each other’s hair, I have to confess, I LOSE IT! (My Mediterranean blood is partly responsible for that last one. Egyptians are known for their loud communicative approach. As a matter of fact, when I was young, my friends would come over and thought my parents where screaming, when all they were doing, was discussing what we should have for dinner.)

I have so many beliefs, but how can you apply what Gandhi preaches? How can you always achieve perfect harmony between your thoughts, your words and your actions? Maybe activists have an easier time acting on their beliefs since it is actually what they choose to do.

Anyway, if Gandhi’s right, then, I have to live according to my deepest beliefs in order to achieve happiness and inner harmony. So from now on, no more fluffy delicious chocolate mousse, no more morning coffee, only green tea, no more purchase at the dollar store (everything there comes from China), no more yelling, only constructive communication, no more sitting down on the couch watching stupid scripted reality shows, no more abusive wine drinking and vodka... God I’m depressed!


M+ said...

Wow! Amazing entry! Love it very much.

Someone said to me once, we are OUR PASSIONS. To stifle our Passions is almost futile. At some point, they just want to resurface and find expression. Maybe allowing the different ways our Passions become manifest is part of achieving harmony ?

Unknown said...

I will keep on following your searching.
I think happiness is also a job since it is necessary to work on it evermoment of our lives.....

M+ said...

Loved to read your inclusion of Ghandi's definition of happiness.
Discovered something new and it's food for thought...