Friday, March 11, 2011


Day 160

In the past few weeks, I have been thinking about an old friend of mine a lot.  We used to sing in an a capella ensemble called Diviners.  She is someone I truly connected with.  The moment we met each other, about fifteen years ago, we began singing, talking and right away dug into the world of meaningful conversations.

Last Wednesday, as I was doing my food shopping, I ran into her.  When I saw her, I almost cried of joy.  And as I was talking to her, I wondered why I hadn't seen her in so long.   I guess sometimes life just has to take its course.

I've always admired DeeDee.  She is one of the most courageous people I know.  Once, a very long time ago, she was living a life that made her very unhappy.  She completely and willingly decided to change it.  At the time, she was around 30 years old.   Seeing that her life was not fulfilling her any longer, she slowly began a transformation.  She changed career (she became an actor--not a very easy choice to make), she got divorced and moved from Ottawa to come and live in Montreal.  She took control of her life and has never regretted doing so for the simple reason that she is much happier now than she was then.

She worked really hard to become recognized as an actor.  She never gave up and is now making a living out of her trade... not many actors can say the same.  The thing is with her, she is not lazy.  She is a hard worker, perseverant and doesn't let her fears control her actions: no wonder she is successful.

DeeDee has always been a true inspiration for me.   Needless to say, we promised each other to go for coffee and catch up!  Now that I found her again, I'm not letting her go anymore!  When you connect with people, making sure they remain in her life might require some work, but it is definitely worth the effort.

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