Thursday, March 17, 2011


Day 166

I don't know about you, but sometimes fear just freezes me.  Fear of failure, more particularily.  I think that if my friend Donna had not sent me a link to this blog and told me to just start writing it, there might not have been a blog.   Not because I'm lazy or I procrastinate, but I know that if I had taken the time to really think about it, some kind of fear would have prevented me from taking the steps to go forward.

The problem with not doing something because of fear, especially fear of failure, is that you're actually accepting to fail before you've even tried to succeed.  It  is accepting defeat without having played any match.  And there are plenty of excuses that I have been able to come up with in order not to pursue a project: "I don't have the time, I'm too busy".  For some reason, I have been finding the time to write every day for the past six months.  "It's not worth the effort if I'm not sure I will succeed".  What does success mean?  Isn't going through with a project and putting energy into trying to achieve a goal success in itself.

I have always been very creative at finding reasons not to pursue a project.  After all, I am a thinker (see my article on the subject: What I can Learn from Doers), so I can be pretty creative in coming up with plausible and logical arguments in order to convince myself not to do something.

This happiness research has taught me that I really need to act on my thoughts and not be afraid to imagine the impossible... dreams never killed anyone...

A few months ago, I registered to a site called Guest Bloggers.  On that site, you can meet fellow bloggers and submit posts for them to publish on their site.  Two weeks ago, overcoming the fear of rejection, I sent three potential guest posts to 4 people.  Two of them answered back and decided to post one of my articles.  One of the bloggers is even thinking of including a new section on happiness on her site, in which I would be a regular guest blogger.

You certainly won't get anywhere by sitting on your sofa and waiting for things to come to you.  If you don't try, how do you know you're going to fail?

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