Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Day 171

For a couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking about starting to jog again. Although, I’ve been doing some classes this winter, after my workouts, I never feel as good as when I go for a run. There’s something about the rhythm, the breathing, the flow in jogging that puts me in a meditative state.  Not to mention how incredible I feel mentally and physically after running.

With the arrival of warmer weather, the idea of going jogging was definitely becoming more and more present in my mind. This time around, I thought it would be a good idea to have an objective, like registering to a 5 or 10-kilometre-run event. I thought that for a start, these distances didn't seem so threatening to me.

Today, I was talking to the mother of one of my daughter’s school friends. Both are kids were victims of a rumour and we were discussing the issue. After a while, we started talking about other things. She is a true athlete. She does half marathons, bicycle rides and triathlons. She is in wonderful shape. As I was telling her about my little project, right away she offered to do a 5-km run with me. She told me she would find the event and register us.

She came at the right time, giving me the push I needed to start running again.  Was it a coincidence?  Maybe, but maybe not!  All I know is that after hanging up with her,  I put on my running shoes and went for a twenty-minute jog. I felt so good afterwards, full of energy and especially in a better state of mind...

Sometimes, all you need is a little boost to start up the engine again. It is then up to you to keep it running so that you could get wherever you want to go!

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