Sunday, June 12, 2011


Day 239

Who hasn't heard about visualization?  I actually remember it being fashionable in the 1970's.  My father owned a few relaxation vinyl records that used visualization to ease stress.  At the time, and probably still today, it was also used by athletes.  I remember my friend Christina, who was an elite gymnast, using it before competitions.  She would mentally see herself perform her routines.

More recently, visualization was rediscovered with the bestseller The Secret.  The question is: does it really work?  Could you really achieve your goals just by using visualization?  It's worked for me a couple of times, when I visualized about finding a parking spot in front of my house, but I can't say that I have attempted it on more important goals.

Last week, my students had to do an oral presentation on their passion.  One of my students decided to talk to us about her love for traveling. To present her topic, she told us a very interesting and touching story.  A couple of years ago, she fell ill.  Her white cell/red cell counts were not quite right (I don't know exactly what kind of disease she had).  After a few months of treatments that were unsuccessful, the doctor told her they had to stop treating her.

She was very sad for a couple of weeks, but then she decided that she was not going to feel sorry for herself anymore.  She began dreaming about going to French Polynesia (Tahiti).  She started researching it on Internet.  She spent hours looking for hotels, printing out images, exploring the area.  She was planning her trip as if it was really happening. Her husband kept on telling her they didn't have the money to go, but that if she found it, he would certainly be more than happy to travel there with her.

One day, she randomly decided to participate in a draw.  The price was 10,000$.  Through some kind of miracle... she won.  She bought tickets for her, her husband and her two daughters and they all went to spend two weeks on a paradise island...  I know, because I saw her pictures!

One year later, her blood count was back to normal!!!!  She had also won her battle against her disease!

When I hear such success stories, it really convinces that we all have unused mind power!  And that if we could learn to tap into that power, we would be happier, wiser and able to achieve so much more!

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