Saturday, October 30, 2010


Day 42

Accumulated toxins in the body is said to cause fatigue, sluggishness, digestive problems and other ailments, including depression. There are many ways to get rid of toxins in your body. And, in order to do so, you don’t necessarily have to be eating only grapes for a week, which could get a little repetitive and, quite frankly, seems very unappealing.

First, drinking a lot of filtered, purified water is the best way to clear your body of toxins and has been proven to help alleviate migraines, regulate blood pressure, boost the immune system and keep the skin looking young and healthy. If, as we already know, our body is made up of 75% water, it is only logical that we would need to fuel it regularly with water.

Sweating it out, in a sauna, is also helpful in getting rid of toxins. By elevating the body’s internal temperature, you increase the removal of waste and toxin accumulated in the liver. The benefits of saunas have been known for ages. This is why many cultures have their version of it: the Romans had the ‘Thermae’, the Japanese the ‘Onsen ‘ the Russians the ‘Banya’ and, of course the better known ‘Turkish bath’, ‘Hamam’ and ‘Finnish Sauna’.

Exercise not only provides benefits such as toning muscles, burning off calories and raising endorphin levels, it also increases the body's internal temperature and through the expansion of capillary vessels, it helps get rid of old wastes. Because it also releases toxins within the body, it is primordial to drink a lot of water while exercising.

Scrubbing your skin, from head to toe, the tongue, when brushing your teeth, gargling and clearing out your nose with warm water every day in order to get rid of toxins found in and on the body is beneficial as well. So take out your luffa sponges and start scrubbing!

Avoiding chemical cleaning products, using natural personal hygiene brands and buying organic foods, as much as possible, contribute in limiting the intake and absorption of toxins.

Finally, there are a multitude of herbs and supplements that could also be used to eliminate toxins. However, in the case of these products, it is probably wiser to consult a good naturopath who could advise you on what method suits your needs best.

Detoxifying your body, in whichever way you choose, will definitely increase your energy level and your overall feeling of well-being. The challenge is to be disciplined and constant about applying these techniques and making them part of your daily life.

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