Friday, October 15, 2010


Day 27

Many people have been asking me if I think I will be able to keep up this blog for 500 days. One year and a half is a long time and, I have to admit, it is a little scary! Will I have inspiration every day? What if, one morning, I wake up and suffer from writer’s block? What will I do then?

My closest friends have been giving me some advice. My friends John and Christina told me the exact same thing: “You can stop at any time, you didn’t sign a contract with anybody. If it starts becoming a burden, you have the choice, you don’t have to continue!” The thing is, I do feel like I signed a contract, even if it is only with myself, I did. Also, I know that whether you love what you do or not, there will always be times when the task at hand will seem a little more challenging. Should I let the little hurdles I encounter discourage me?

My friend Anna suggested I make a plan, organize my work. As university graduates, that’s how we think. Make a plan first, determine your topics in advance, do proper research and then start writing! Although this approach seemed tempting at first, it goes against the mere concept of a blog! The spontaneity of the writing is essential and has to be preserved! This is not a university thesis; this is a daily blog!

I think the best advice came from my friend Catherine. She just said: “Just do it one day at a time!” Quite simple, isn’t it? And I feel like that strategy could be applied to anything we want to accomplish in life. When I quit smoking, I couldn’t picture myself not having a single cigarette for the rest of my life! But every day, I would tell myself: “I’m not going to have one today, but maybe I’ll have one tomorrow!” And it worked.

It could be a long-term or a short-term objective, the length of time is unimportant. In the end, it is the equation of daily effort over time that will lead you to succeed in reaching any of your goals. And once you do, you can only but rejoice and be proud of your perseverance!

1 comment:

M+ said...

It's so true...
I used to think I couldn't start something unless I could finish it from A to Z.
I've learned that if I have even 5 minutes and the desire is there... eventually all those 5 minutes together add up and eventually the creation has been accomplished.

Doesn't matter the topic... it can even be housework.
When I finally learned that lesson it was freeing.

Thanks Dina!