Sunday, October 10, 2010


Day 22

Thank god I love my family and that most of them are psychologically balanced (I have to write this since many of them read my blog). We rented a gigantic villa in the country for three nights to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. The image one has of being in the country is not exactly what happens when you’re sharing your living space with 19 other people, the majority of them with Mediterranean blood circulating in their veins!!!!

This was our schedule today: 8am: yoga with my father; 10 am: Tae Box with my sister-in-law; 11 am: collective walk with too many leaders so with no direction and, when we finally decided on one, we were doing something closer to rock climbing than to walking. By the time noon arrived, I was so exhausted... and I thought this weekend was supposed to be restful!!!!

In addition to that, there was food, with food and even more food. We all suffer from ‘Egyptian-gargantuan-food-extravaganza’ syndrome! The villa has two huge fridges... not enough for my family!!!!! We’re only here three nights, but we could have probably stayed for a month and not have to go and buy anything! I’ll probably go back home carrying on my waist an extra 10 pounds as a souvenir.

The evening was memorable. We prepared a slide show for my parents, my brother prepared a stupendous gourmet meal and, we played games and sang our childhood songs in front of a campfire. Nothing else was needed! We laughed, we cried and we laughed some more.

I know this weekend will come to an end and that all that will remain of it is a faint memory... along with thousands of pictures. But, being with my family has shown me, once again, how important it is to spend time with those we love. Life is so short; it is pointless to waste any portion of it on regret!

1 comment:

M+ said...

Excellent post!
Love how this one just flowed from your thoughts, to your fingertips and straight onto your virtual paper...very " in the moment" !