Monday, October 25, 2010


Day 37

When I’m angry, I have the ability to explode. It’s in my blood! When I was young, my best friend Christina and I used to have really explosive arguments. We would scream at each other so loud my eardrums would end up buzzing. She comes from an even more vocal family than me. I remember when we had parties; her father would scare away-unwanted people just with his deep loud Hungarian-colored tone of voice! Once, I recall him telling uninvited troublemakers with his thick angry Hungarian accent: “If you don’t leave right away, I eat you for breakfast!”

But is anger a feeling one should express? Is it positive or negative to lash out when this emotion arises? It is known that bottling emotions has perverse effects. When unexpressed, anger could turn itself against us through addictions: food, drugs, cigarettes, sex, etc. On the other hand, expressing anger as it starts to escalate could lead to an uncontrolled overflow of negative words and actions! These words could end up tarnishing or even destroying relationships.

All inner turmoil needs to be released one way or another. Some people will passively express their frustrations through a bad joke or a hurtful comment. Sometimes, the object of anger is not even you, but you’re just caught in the crossfire. Other people will just use the silent treatment. No matter how it is done, angry energy will always find a way out.

Managing anger is not an easy task. This is the reason why it is sometimes better to wait a while before confronting the person who has triggered it. It gives you an opportunity to take the time to reflect more calmly on the situation.

Expressing yourself without getting emotional or confrontational, carefully choosing your words when expressing your feeling, can often be challenging. However, by practicing this healthy communication skill, you could get rid of the negative emotion associated with an uncontrolled expression of anger, help create a more peaceful environment and give way to a healthier, happier state of mind.

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