Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Day 32

Can colour affect our mood? We’ve all heard about colour therapy. Some scientists believe in its effectiveness, while others doubt its long-term benefits. Yet, several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, Chinese and Indians, practised chromotherapy (use of colours to heal). Nowadays, this ancient practise has resurfaced, but it is still perceived as being a ‘New Age’ alternative treatment.

Einstein wrote: « Everything in life is vibration ». It cannot be disputed that colour holds a vibration, an energy and, although, different cultures will have different symbolic associations with a specific colour, westerners tend to have a similar frame of reference. This is the reason why colour is so carefully chosen by many marketing specialists when designing a product, a web site or even when creating an image for a politician.

Here is a brief list of emotions associated with each colour:

- Red represents vitality, courage and self-confidence.
- Orange is said to provide happiness and increase creativity.
- Yellow increases optimism, concentration and communication.
- Green brings in balance, harmony and alleviates depression.
- Blue represents calm, relaxation, peace and knowledge.
- Indigo is the colour of intuition, mysticism and understanding.
- Violet represents beauty, creativity and inspiration.
- White is associated with purity and mental clarity.
- Black represents death but also sophistication.

I have always been attracted to darker colours in my wardrobe. Is it because I am sophisticated, or is it only because darker tones make me look thinner? When I choose a piece of clothing, I primarily pay attention to the way it fits me. The colour is often secondary.

Could colour have a deep long-lasting impact on happiness, maybe not! However, if the image we project can have the slightest influence on how we feel, then brighter tones could definitely bring us a little more energy when we’re feeling gloomy! So long live red, orange and yellow! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to go shopping!

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