Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Day 46

I have already mentioned it in a previous post, I am the queen of procrastination. Is being that way a hindrance to my happiness? It probably is. Contrarily to my husband or anyone who is not afflicted by this terrible syndrome, every day, thoughts of undone business erupt in my brain out of nowhere and, although unwelcome, move in and disturb my peace of mind.

I sometimes wish I could use a trap or any other extermination means to eradicate these thoughts. Unfortunately, as most vermin does, they keep crawling back and harass me.

Doctor’s and dentist appointments, e-mail replies, phone call returns, driver’s license renewal, anything which is not detrimental to my survival, can be placed on the back burner for a while until the fire squad rushes in to unkindly remind me I should get a move on it. The fire squad can take many forms, from my own conscience to my husband’s nagging or a police warning.

I have been postponing consulting a naturopath for 10 years, I have been wanting to buy an acai berry supplement for two years. (Acai berries are said to be a miracle food, containing an important amount of antioxidants and many health benefits). I have wanted to take an appointment with the doctor and the dentist for six months.

Most procrastination sufferers tend to avoid to-do lists. I, for instance, rely on my distracted brain to remind me of my obligations. It doesn’t work. An agenda is an essential tool if you want to get rid of eternal postponing.

Non -procrastinators can’t understand procrastinators. The other day, I was talking about it with my friend Christina who just said: “I don’t understand, when I have something to do or someone to call, I just get it done. Why would I postpone it.” Well, just because…you have other things to do, and you don’t really feel like it and it requires an effort, and I don’t know why? I know procrastinators understand what I’m talking about.

Today, I bought a new agenda. It is not so pretty, but it is small and very practical: all the days of the year are written in it! I’ve already listed some of the things I will accomplish this week and next week. If I’m able to keep it up, I’m sure I will succeed in exterminating this unwanted vermin from my life.


Leland Young said...

Don't know... I've wasted chunks of my disposable income on leather bound agendas, electronic agendas, entire systems (42 Folders) and I still miss appointments, leave the laundry on the line (for days) and leave projects (like blogging) idling in the planning stage. At this point, I have a couple of computer tricks that keep me sort of focused, a partner who takes care of the family calendar (I'm grateful), and a more relaxed attitude. Maybe procrastination is simply our way of telling ourselves that we really didn't need the miracle berries anyway. If they were that important to us, we'd have made the trip and they'd have been in the fridge months ago. Maybe we procrastinate because through guilt or misguided ambition we routinely take on more than we can sanely manage. Maybe if we didn't push ourselves so hard, we wouldn't put off things so much. And on that note, I have a pile of papers to mark that were handed in two weeks ago(!), so it's time for me to stop procrastinating and focus. Great post. Thanks. ;-)

Unknown said...

I also have a history of purchasing agendas that end up in the garbage more than half empty a year later. I'm hoping that this time around, it is going to be different, since I realize that it is an obstacle to my peace of mind! I'm glad to know I am not the only one afflicted by this syndrome!

anna said...

I thought I was the procrastination Queen!!! Maybe we can share the title. Having a pretty agenda helps me. I write EVERYTHING I have to do. When I've accomplished my task, I boldly cross it out and it gives me great satisfaction. It's a constant battle. Yesterday, I went to the SAAQ to get my picture taken for my medicard. That's a big one for a procrastinator!

Unknown said...

Procrastination Monarchy is accessible to all, no matter the age, origin, social background!!!! It's actually quite democratic!!! I like the idea of crossing it out with a marker. It's like screaming out loud: "I am not a procrastinator anymore!"