Saturday, November 27, 2010


Day 70

When we meet new people, we very often make an instant judgement on the kind of person we believe they are.  We base that judgement on appearance, style, tone of voice, etc.  It is as though we feel the need to mentally compartmentalise people.  We establish these various categories according to our social background, experiences and beliefs. 

As teenagers, we learn to master that art.  In my school, growing up, there were hippies, discos, punks, nerds, losers, preppies and jocks.   Each group presented a series of behaviours and beliefs.  In general, it was the choice of hairstyle and clothing that identified you as being part of a specific group.

When I first met my husband about twenty years ago, I remember telling a friend of mine who thought he was good looking: “He’s really not my type!  He’s way too preppy for me!”  Because of prejudice, we sometimes close doors that should remain open.

Countless times I have been wrong in my first impressions. Every time I start a session, I have the opportunity to meet new people.  Because I teach a communication class, after 9 weeks, I really get to know my students.  There is often a significant discrepancy between what I subjectively imagined of a person and the reality.

Being open minded and disregarding your prejudice can really give you the opportunity to discover people that you could potentially connect with and with whom you could develop a friendship.  You can never know if there is a pearl in an oyster’s shell until you open it!

1 comment:

dcmarvel said...

ok, i already apologized for making that not-nice comment about that mother i didn't know at school ... but, you're right, i was sooo wrong !!