Sunday, November 14, 2010


Day 57

The law of attraction stipulates that if you really believe something is going to happen to you and you visualize it as being part of your life, it will.  The best-selling book “The Secret” proclaims that abiding by this law is sure to bring you everything your heart desires, as magical as it may sound.   If things were that simple, we would probably all be rich and famous.

I’m not denying the fact that there is some truth in the law of attraction.  I have noticed in my life that when I’m feeling good and happy, good things seem to happen and inversely, when I’m feeling crabby, things don’t seem to be running quite as smoothly. 

In fact, the idea behind the law of attraction is good.  Positive thinking and optimism, which are at the basis of that law, have been linked to happiness.   If you always see the bright side of life, you will be able to enjoy yourself and overcome hurdles no matter your circumstances.

Also, when you’re happy, you tend to become aware of opportunities.  You have more energy to work towards achieving your goals because you feel optimistic about the fact that they will lead you somewhere.  As a result, you work with more determination and conviction and are therefore more likely to succeed.

There are many benefits to looking at life with optimism; the hard part is finding ways to really control your mind so that you are actually able to adopt and maintain that attitude even when things don’t seem to be going your way.

Psychologists have been using the positive thinking approach for years because it works.  It is not a miraculous esoteric belief, it is quite concrete.    And, if you sit down every day and visualize yourself as a millionaire but you don’t look for a job, and sit on your buttock all day waiting for the million to miraculously appear on your lap from the depth of the universe, you will be waiting for a long time.  

Positive thinking and visualization can help you become happier, but it is not the only element necessary to achieve your goals. You also need to do some legwork! 

That being said, I will now close my eyes and visualize myself on a nice white sandy beach, breathing sea air and watching seagulls fly over a turquoise sea!  If I don’t get to go there in a near future, at least I will have traveled there in my imagination.

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