Friday, November 12, 2010


Day 55 
Some days, you wake up and things just don’t look all that bright.  Yesterday, that is exactly what happened to me.  First, we were a little late on our morning routine.  We began the day hurrying up to try to bring the girls to school on time, getting upset at them for their lack of speed and cooperation, inflicting our own stress on them, feeling bad about it but doing it anyway. They made it on time, I didn’t.  I was giving an information session for the English immersion class I give and I was late because I was stuck in endless traffic.
The day just seemed to bring on more and more problems, people parading in and out of my office, complaining or simply bringing on issues that needed to be resolved on the spot.  The phone kept ringing with demands from unemployment insurance  agents who needed to talk about one of their clients who is following one of our classes.   And, in the middle of all that mayhem,  my desk, covered with  paperwork needing to be filed and organized.  I had hoped I could clear it out before the end of the day; I had no luck on that front.
Although, I remained calm for most of the day, when I arrived home, I was in a very crabby mood.  At the same time, I was contemplating about everything that had happened during the day, almost laughing  in disbelief. Thank god I didn’t burn dinner, drop a plate or cut myself while preparing the meal.  The rest of the evening was very peaceful.
Some days, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed….  Everything just seems to go wrong.  All through the day, I was repeating to myself: “This day will end, as they all do.”  That’s the beauty about bad days, you know that they will eventually come to an end! 
Before I went to bed, as per usual, I meditated.  At the end of my meditation, I always thank the universe for all that I am blessed with.  Yesterday, I thanked the universe that the day was over and that I would have the opportunity to start a brand new happier day at the end of the restful night that was about to follow.  

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