Sunday, May 1, 2011


Day 207

Last Thursday, I asked my students if they always slept on the same side of the bed.  They all answered that they did and, most of them added that in fact, they wouldn't really feel comfortable changing sides.  I feel the same way.  I've always slept on the left side of the bed and so, wherever my husband and I travel, I automatically lie down on that side, even if the bed is inside a tent!  Sleeping on the right side would feel very strange!

Most of us love familiarity.  We all have our little habits and don't really ever challenge them.  Probably it is because those habits truly give us a sense of security.  It is so reassuring to know what to expect of yourself, of your environment and even of your thoughts.  By repeating the same patterns, although they might not really bring you happiness, you feel safe.   That is why some people stay in abusive relationships for so long....

The problem with leading a life of known and expected behaviours is that there is always the danger of, one day, being confronted with an unavoidable change.  And if you are not used to adapting quickly to new situations, you might have a real difficult time with it.   Life is unpredictable and change always ends up knocking on your door.  Also, I believe that by swimming in the same water all the time, you end up killing your creativity.

To avoid that, you need to get out of your comfort zone on a daily basis, especially if you feel that there lacks something in your life and you have the desire to fill that gap.  How could you change anything in your life if you keep repeating the same actions over and over again?

Do you always take the same route to get to work?  Do you always eat the same dish when you go to the restaurant?  Do you always cook the same meals, week after week?

I, for one, get fed up of cooking because I'm always using the same ingredients.  There are so many vegetables, fruit, grains and spices we never buy because they are simply not on our list of familiar foods.  

Pushing yourself to go beyond your comfort zone by implementing little changes can really help spice up your life.    It doesn't have to be radical.  It could only be one little change a day, like going out on a week night, trying out a new recipe,  ordering something different at your favourite restaurant... or even, if you really want to be adventurous, sleeping on the other side of the bed!

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