Thursday, May 19, 2011


Day 222

As I was driving to my tennis lessons with Donna last night, some driver honked at me.  I wasn't doing anything wrong.  I was just letting someone cross the street.    But as the driver passed me, he looked at me with evil eyes and gave me the finger!  The middle one, on top of it!  I couldn't believe it!!!  Not to sound cynical, but what is our world coming to?

I've been stressed in a car before.  I know how it feels to be stuck in a metal box, in the middle of traffic, late for some kind of event, with a whiny kid in the back who keeps on repeating she has to go to the bathroom NOW!  Obviously, in those kinds of situation, you feel  you have no control.  And, because of this lost of control, you might be tempted to resort to honking, which helps release the tension you might be feeling!

I can't stand that noise, it really aggresses me.  Maybe, car builders should invest in trying to come up with a sound that is less aggressive and startling (although to startle is probably the objective of the feature)!  As my friend Catherine said to me, I don't think little chirping sounds would do the job!

I realize that in stressful driving conditions, it is really hard to control emotional responses.  Meditating techniques are hard to practise in a car!  I really can't imagine myself chanting a mantra in the middle of traffic!  But I do believe it is possible to equip your car with stuff that can help: relaxing or uplifting music, cds of comedians (laughter is always a good antidote to stress) or even audio books...  The idea is to get your mind off the situation and shift it to happier place!

One thing is for sure, honking doesn't get anybody anywhere faster!  I'm not underestimating the necessity of it.  In some contexts, it could save lives.  However, I believe people should try to use it with much more discernment.  It would make for a much more peaceful and serene city life!

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