Thursday, May 5, 2011


Day 211

Last Friday, my friend Anna offered me a bottle of wine.  The name of it: Project Happiness.  I researched the product and found that the intention of the winemaker was to create happiness in a bottle!  Interesting concept... and definitely a symbol of our time, which seems to become more and more aware of the importance of being happy.  The company has a website where people can go and comment on what makes them happy.  Happiness in a bottle... if only it were that easy!

Fascinating enough, while googling it, I stumbled upon a movement also called Project Happiness.   In yesterday's post, I spoke about the fact that time and effort should be spent on promoting happiness, since it is said to play a role in longevity.  Today, I discovered a movement that is aiming at educating children on the concept of happiness, so that they realize that happiness is a choice, before they actually get sucked into a life that makes them feel otherwise.

Project Happiness began as a documentary film project in which high school seniors in California, Nigeria and Dharamsala, got to explore the scientific, spiritual and social approaches to happiness. However, after its completion, Randy Taran, creator of Project Happiness, with the help of the kids involved in the film, developed a Project Happiness Curriculum, that includes a 195-page student handbook with over 70 exercises for kids and a facilitator’s guide.

That  curriculum is being taught in schools around the world, including Silicon Valley, a San Francisco elementary school, as well as schools in Nepal, Guatemala, India and Nigeria. Over 1,500 students around the globe are learning, through the program, to use compassion and kindness in order to shape a happier healthier future for themselves and those around them.

I love the idea.  Children represent the future.  So, making them realize they have control over their level of happiness through their choices enhances their present lives, but it also increases the likeliness of their future wellbeing. And since happiness is contagious, maybe it will also help in making the whole world a better and happier place!

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