Saturday, April 2, 2011


DAY 182

For six months, I have been writing every single day of the week.  It is true that I took some time off around Christmastime and for Spring break, but other than that, I’ve been writing daily posts, relentlessly studying and researching happiness, for 182 days.

After I had been writing for a month, my father suggested I take one day off a week.  “Everybody needs to rest once in a while”,  he said.  At the time, I was too enthusiastic about my project to consider his suggestion.  I wanted to prove to myself, and to the world, that I could write every single day for 500 days.  But who said it had to be consecutive days? 

What I didn’t know then, and I know now, is that time off is not only physically and mentally beneficial, but it also allows you to renew your sense of creativity.  Leonardo Da Vinci said: “Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.” And Ovid, the Roman poet, said, “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”

I am still full of enthusiasm and determination in my quest for happiness.  However, I now recognize the importance of taking a day off every week.  I guess my father was right (aren’t parents always right?), we all need at least one day a week to complete disconnect. 

So, as of next week, I will not publish on Saturday nights.  I will take that day to spend time with my family (without blog interruption) and take advantage of it to recharge my batteries.

And so, there shall be a day of rest…

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1 comment:

anna said...

What a wise man your father...