Monday, April 4, 2011


Day 184 

When I began my blog, I asked one of my friends, who is a General Practitioner, what happiness was for her.  Without hesitation, she replied: “Health…without it, happiness is possible, but much more difficult to achieve”.  She is probably right.

It comes down to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  If your basic needs for mental and physical health are not met, how could you consider satisfying your higher needs (self-actualization, for instance)?  Isn’t the emotional wellbeing at least partly linked to the physical wellbeing?

Being the hypochondriac that I am (it’s hereditary, by the way), when it comes to my health and my children’s health, I often invent dramatic scenarios in my head … it doesn’t always pay off to have a wild imagination.   When I start having those self-created crazy thoughts, I usually am able to get a grip by thinking about those who REALLY are suffering.  

Health is one of those things we take for granted.  That is, of course, until we lose it…

That is why I try to lead the healthiest life possible.  I can’t control everything that happens to me, I am only a human being after all, and there are certainly no guarantees!  However, by making the right choices, whether it is through eating habits, exercise, sleeping habits or even spiritual health, I am doing what I can to remain physically, emotionally and spiritually happy…

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
 Mahatma Gandhi

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