Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Day 204

On Saturday morning, I woke up with a mission: to do spring cleaning!  I started with my daughters' drawers.  You would have thought Hurricane Disaster had passed through there.  Everything was upside down.  I emptied it all on the floor and made three piles:  stuff to give away, stuff to keep for next winter and stuff to put back in the drawers.

The problem with my children's clothes is that, if I consult them on what to give away, they always choose to keep everything. And if I don't consult them and I give away some piece of  clothes that they love but never wear, the day they find out I've gotten rid of it is a day of weeping!!!!  I know, I'm the mother and I should be tougher... but I remember how I felt when my mother threw away something I loved!!!! I hated it!

After I finished cleaning, I opened all the windows in the house to purify the air.  (I don't know how pure the air was since I live in the city, but it felt good anyway).  After taking a shower, I went around my house to admire my work!  I was happy.  I had a feeling of renewal.  No more dirt, no more mess, everything seemed so much more zen.  According to Feng Shui, clutter keeps energy from flowing.  On Saturday, I felt that there was a better, more positive flow of energy in my house.

Spring cleaning is not like any other type of cleaning!  It allows you to put winter behind, both physically and mentally.  It prepares the arrival of the no-more-boots, no-more jackets, no-more-cold season.  It leads the way to the wonderful sock-free, painted toe-nails, sleeveless shirt time of year!  And I love it!

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