Friday, April 15, 2011


Day 194

Jean-Marie Lapointe is a renowned Québec actor, singer, producer and author. He is also a dedicated athlete. For many years now, in spite of his busy schedule, Lapointe has been volunteering his time for various causes. He is the son of famous singer, actor and Canadian Senator Jean Lapointe. As a public figure, Jean-Marie Lapointe has been using his influence to better the world. He is one of the best people I know and I feel fortunate to be able to call him my friend.

What is happiness for you?

 I think I agree with what Gandhi thinks of happiness: I feel good when my thoughts, my words and my actions are in harmony.
But what brings me the most happiness and inner peace is when I think of other people's happiness; when I go beyond myself and, through my personal or professional life, contribute to the well- being of others. It could even be on a daily basis through little gestures. 

Has your profession impacted your level and your vision of happiness? If yes, how?
Absolutely. My interviews, my involvement in telethons and humanitarian television shows, my encounter with spiritual leaders such as Mathieu Ricard and the Dalaï Lama as well as my involvement in helping handicapped children and sick children with terminal diseases, have all contributed to give purpose and meaning to my life.

I also find stimulating and enjoyable to have the chance to be involved in projects that force me into reading and seeing "feel good" movies.

Has your vision of happiness greatly changed through time?

Yes. Especially since I have embraced the Buddhist practice.

Do you believe you have control on your level of happiness?


What do you do to change your mood when you’re feeling sad?
When I'm not feeling so great, I get involved in physical activities; I try to talk to my close friends; I meditate; I try not to let negative thoughts affect me too much. I also read profound and meaningful quotes. Basically, I work on focusing my attention on something else. Often, by doing nothing, the negative though just dissolves.

On the whole, would you say you are a happy person?   

Getting there!!!! I would say I am rather happy!

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